Sunday, July 7

International Day of Happiness: How Chocolate Makes Us Happy in our Lives

International Day of Happiness: How Chocolate Makes Us Happy in our Lives

Chennai, The International Day of Happiness, celebrated on March 20th, was established by the UN in 2012 to highlight happiness as a crucial human goal. Originating from Bhutan, which prioritizes Gross National Happiness over GDP, this day challenges conventional success measures by focusing on well-being and joy. It resonates with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, sparking a global conversation on happiness and well-being that transcends borders and cultures.

To lift spirits, a bar of chocolate snack can work wonders! Whether you’re feeling low or on top of the world, chocolate snack is a go-to treat. It’s also a trendy gift, especially during Indian festivals, competing with traditional sweets. Chocolate snacks are favoured gifts, offering a modern twist to gifting traditions in India.

In this article, we delve into the different ways the chocolate snack makes us feel happier: Many people turn to chocolate snack as a form of stress relief. The act of eating chocolate snack can trigger the release of feel-good hormones, that help reduce stress and promote feelings of well-being.

Treating oneself to a chocolate snack can be a reward for achievements in our day-today lives. Whether it’s celebrating a personal victory or simply enjoying a moment of professional accomplishment, chocolate snack can evoke feelings of happiness and satisfaction.

Sharing chocolate snack with others can foster a sense of connection and happiness. Whether it is sharing a box of Lotte Choco Pie with friends, giving it as a gift, or enjoying chocolate based desserts with loved ones, the act of sharing chocolate snack can strengthen social bonds and create positive memories.

Chocolate snack is often associated with celebrations and special occasions. Whether it’s birthdays, holidays, weddings, or other milestones, chocolate snack is frequently included as a symbol of joy and festivity, contributing to the overall happiness of the event.

The universal appeal of chocolate snacks makes them a thoughtful choice for corporate gifting, fostering positive relationships and leaving a lasting impression.  On this International Day of Happiness, let us celebrate our daily Happy Moments. Whether it is with Lotte India’s Choco Pie or other confectioneries, they are delightful treats that allow us to express our affection for our loved ones in a simple yet meaningful way. Whether it’s conveying love, marking milestones, or simply sharing moments of joy, these sweet indulgences serve as a delightful conduit for spreading happiness and fostering connections. So, let’s embrace the tradition of spreading joy and surprise our dear ones with a Lotte Choco Pie, recognizing that their significance transcends mere taste—they embody love, celebration, and unity, etching fond memories in our hearts and leaving us with smiles that endure.