SRM College of Physiotherapy released GLOW
SRM College of Physiotherapy released GLOW
Guiding the Little Ones’ Well-Being, a pi oneering book, on 10th December 2 024, authored by Dr. K. Vadivelan, Pro fessor at SRM Medical College Hospital and Re search Centre (SRM MCH&RC), Kattank ulathur.
This book, as a part of the Indian Cou ncil of Medical Research (ICMR)-fund ed pr oject, serves as a vital resource to help p arents monitor developmen tal mileston nes in children aged 0-12 months.
At the event, the Parental Eye, a user-f riendly app was introduced. This tool co mplements the book GLOW: Guidin g the Little Ones’ Well-Being. The app offe rs parents and caregivers real-ti me upd ates, resources, and guidance to track t heir child’s developmental milestones, representing a significant step in promo ting chil...