Saturday, February 8

Navin’sNavin’s marks 35th year annive rsary with Zero is the Hero

Navin’sNavin’s marks 35th year annive rsary with Zero is the Hero. 

Navin’sNavin’s marks 35th year annive rsary with ‘Zero is the Hero’ campaign O ffers zero EMI for up to 15 months* for homebuyers Offers zero . 

Chennai, July 24th 2024: Navin’s, one of the most trusted builder and real esta te developers, has launched a campa ign – 0 is the Hero (Navin’s lae Zero th an Hero) – ahead of its 35th anniversa ry celeb rations. The real estate major is offering zero EMI up to 15 months* for homebuy ers to mark this occasion 

Elaborating on the campaign, Mr Vis wa jith Kumar (Navin), Director, Navi n’s said, “We wish to highlight Navin’s unique selling proposition of zero com promises We are spearheading the ca mpaign thro ugh imaginative teasers with wordplay, influencer challenges a nd more. Throu gh this campaign, we wa nt to reiterate the fact that the bra nd Navin’s stands fo r strong business ethics and strengthen our connection with ho mebuyers. Our brand identity centred on superior qua lity and value s will help us to take this message acro ss to the people.”

Navin’s impressive track record over 35 years speaks volumes about their comm itment to excellence. They have earned a reputation for zero project d elays, ze ro quality issues, zero struc tural def ec ts, zero title problems, ze ro deviations, zero customer disputes, and zero comp romise on greener fut ure. This sterling reputation is now hig hlight ed brilliantly by their latest cam mpaign.

As part of this “Zero is the Hero” camp ai gn Navin’s is providing zero EMI for up t o 15 months*across its three proje cts in Medavakkam, Thirumu divakka m and V alasaravakkam.

For homebuyers looking for reliability, q uality, and a sustainable living exper ience, now is the compelling opportun ity to invest in a home with a trusted brand th at prioritizes both the prese nt and futu re needs of thei customers.

*Terms & conditions apply.

About Navin’s: Navin’s is a reputed rea l estate company headquartered in Ch ennnai with office in Bengaluru. Found ed in 1989 it boasts of a rich history in com mercial and residential spaces, as well as Interiors, it has established its elf as a trusted name in the industry. Renowned for its commitment to exce llence, each p roject of Navin’s embod ies the pinnacle of design, craftsman anship, uncompromis ing quality, and unparalleled service, ma king it – the Chennai’s most trusted and respected developer. With a steadfast dedication to quality, conducts over 12 75+ rigoro us quality checks throughout the const ruction process, ensuring imp eccable standards in every endeavour.

Remarkably, since its inception, Nav in’s maintained a flawless record with zero delays, structural defects, titular proble ms, or any defaults. Among its distinguis hed portfolio are prestigio us projects su ch as Navin’s Hanging G ardens, Navin’s Starwood Towers, Na vin’s Hillview Ave nue, Navin’s WSS To wers, Navin’s Presi dium, etc., which showcase the compan any’s commitm ent to excellence.

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