Disney+ Hotstar to stream the much-an ticipated
Disney+ Hotstar to stream the much-a nticipated Office series from February 2 1st!!
India’s leading streaming platform Dis neey+ Hotstar has released the second pro mo of the much-anticipated Hotsta r Specials series ‘Office’.
The promos of the series, including the t itle song, have created a lot of excite ment among the fans, and the series wi ll be streaming from February 21st thi s year.
The second promo, released on the offi cial social media page of Disney+ Hotst ar, highlights the plot of the Office ser ies a nd the comedy-style screenplay th at wil l make you laugh out loud.
The promo begins with a village woma n coming to the Tahsildar’s office to ge ther voter ID card. Since she comes fro m a rural family background, she refu ses to reveal her husband’s name. The sce...