Virat Karrna, Abhishek Nama, Kishore Annapureddy
*Virat Karrna, Abhishek Nama, Kisho re Annapureddy, NIK Studios, Abhish ek Pictures, Tarak Cinemas’
Pan India Film NAGABANDHAM Pre-Look Unveiled, Introducing Rudhra On January 13th!*
Passionate Filmmaker Abhishek Nama c ontinues to elevate his craft with am bitious, large-scale project NAGABAN DHAM, promises to be a thrilling adve innture, encapsulated by its tagline – The Secret Treasure. Abhishek not on ly directs but also brings his creative touch to the sto ry and screenplay, ens uring a unique cinematic experience. ViratKarrna who ma de an impressive debut with the actioner Peddha Kapu is playing the lead role in the movie be ing produced by Kishore Annapuredd y under NIK Studios, in colla boration with Abhishek Pictures. The fil m also sees co-production efforts from Tarak Cin...