From the Desk of Actress Sanchana Natarajan
From the Desk of Actress Sanchana Nat arajan
I am truly overwhelmed and grateful for the love and appreciation pouring in for my recent film, Bottle Radha.
Portraying ‘Anjalam’ has been an incr ed dible journey, and I owe my heartfe lt tha nks to my director Dhinakar Siva lingam, for trusting me with such a be autifully written role.
A big thank you to my producers Pa. R an jith (Neelam productions) & Arun B alaji (Balloon Pictures), for believing i n me an d bringing me on board for th his special fi lm. It has been an honor to be a part of t heir vision.
Sharing screen space with the immen se ly talented Guru Somasundaram h as be en an insightful experience, and I deeply appreciate his support throug hout this journey.
I also extend my sincere gratitude t...