Saturday, November 2

National Realtors Study Chennai’s

National Realtors Study Chennai’s Dyn amic Real Estate Landscape

~ 80 Realtors from 15 Cities Visit Chen nai to Study Luxurious, Co-Living, and Affordable Housing Projects ~

Chennai, 5th August 2024: Chennai is e xperiencing a significant real estate b oom, marked by a surge in both luxur y and affordable housing projects, tha nks to various economic factors, go ve rnment policies, strategic announce ce ments, and developments. The high de mand for diverse housing solutions is driving the growth of the real estate m arket.

To witness firsthand the unprecedent ed real estate growth, around 80 deleg ates from CREDAI National visited var ious CREDAI Chennai member sites, in an event organized by CREDAI Chenna i, to gain insights into these developme nts. The site visits included luxurious projects, co-living spaces, and afforda ble housing projects, reflecting the cit y’s dynamic real estate landscape.

Highlighting Chennai as one of the bes t cities to invest in and live in, Mr. Asla m Packeer Mohamed, Secretary, CRED AI Chennai, said, “The ongoing metro c onstruction work has positively influe nced areas like Porur, Madhavaram, a nd OMR, making them more attractive to homebuyers due to improved conne ctivity and convenience. Additionally, the proposed increase in FSI to 6.5 in T ransit Oriented Development localities will lead to the construction of multi-st oried buildings and transform Chenna i into a vertical city.”

Welcoming the delegates, Mr. Viswaji th Navin, Treasurer of CREDAI Chenn nai, emphasized the city’s promising r eal estate prospects, saying, “This stud y tour is a unique opportunity for deve lopers to come together, not only to ex plore architectural marvels and innov ative developments but also to engage in meaningful discussions and exchan ge ideas that drive the housing indust ry forward. We believe that these visit s will not only inspire but also provide valuable learning experiences that de velpers can take back to their respecti ve regions.”

The delegates will tour the city over tw o days and visit the project sites of Cee bros ONE 74, Appaswamy Azure in pre mium housing segment, Vijaya Raja VR X 360 in affordable housing segment n nd DRA Truliv in Co-living space. The d elegates will also visit Saint-Gobain Pla plant at Sriperumbudur.