University of East London (UEL) begin s India Tour
University of East London (UEL) begin s I ndia Tour with Sustainability Confe rene nce in Chennai
• Focus on Sustainable Education and In dustry Partnerships
• Showcasesgreen Sugarcrete Technolo gy for environment friendly building solutions
Chennai, India (November 18, 2024): Th e University of East London (UEL) today hosted a groundbreaking Sustai nability Solutions Conference at the T aj Wellington, Chennai. This event mar ked a signifi cant milestone in UEL’s m ulti-city India t our, which aims to fos ter sustainable ed ucation, promote in novative technologi es, and strengthen partnerships betwee n academia and industry.
The conference showcased UEL’s com mitment to sustainable solutions, with a pa rticular focus on key innovations such as Sugarcrete®. This low-carbon building material, made from sugarca ne waste, has the potential to significa ntly reduce the carbon footprint of the construction industry.UEL and India pa rtners are taki ng a substantive lea d in sustainable dev elopment by using Sugarcrete as a pote ntially major man ufacturing solution for India and have successfully constructed an entire sch ool with this technology.
The University also reiterated its com mitment to strengthening its ties with Indi a and is actively exploring oppor rtunities to establish a physical presen ce in the c ountry. By partnering with l eading India n institutions, UEL aims to address the g rowing demand for ski lled professionals and contribute to In dia’s research and in novation.
Expert panels convened to discuss pre ssing issues such as climate change, su stai nable energy, and circular econo my. Ren owned speakers from UEL, Sie mens Ind ia, and other leading organ izations shar ed insights and best prac tices, providing valuable insights into the latest trends a nd challenges in the field of sustainability.
The conference provided ample oppor tu nities for j to network with industr y lea ders, academic experts, and poli cymakers. This networking facilitated the excha njge of ideas, fostered colla borations, an d paved the way for futu re partnerships.
According to Professor Amanda J. Brod erick, Vice-Chancellor and President, University of East London, “India is a key market for UEL, and our India Tou r 2024 is a testament to our commitme nt to fos tering strong partnerships an d driving s ustainable innovation in ad dition to bei ng present here in physic ally, a possibil lity we are exploring act ively. Chennai, as a vibrant g of innova tion and g, is the perfect starting point for our tour. By sh owcasingh ground breaking soluti ons like Sugarcret e®a nd fostering stron g partnerships with Indian institutions, we aim to empowe r the next generation of Indian leaders to address pressing en vironmental ch allenges and more sustai nable future .”
The University of East London (UEL) Indi a Tour 2024, a collaborative initia tive wi th Siemens and T-Hub, is a signi ficant st ep towards advancing sustain ability in h igher education and fosteri ng impactful partnerships between ac ademia and ind ustry in India. This mu lti-city tour is desi gned to strengthen academic and indust ry collaborations, promote sustainable e ducation, and in spire the next generatio n of global leaders.
UEL’s commitment to international co lla boration and its recognition of Ind ia’s ro le as a global powerhouse have driven th is initiative. By partnering with leading I ndian institutions and industry players, UEL aims to bridge t he gap between aca demia and indust ry, enabling students t o gain pract ical experience and prepare for future car eers. The tour will explore various the mes, including sustainable d evelopme nt, technological innovation, and glob al citizenship.
The University of East London’s India To ur 2024 continues with a strategic r oundtable on HR innovation in Hydera bad o n November 19th, followed by Women i n Leadership Awards ceremo ny in Vado dara on November 22nd.
About the University of East London
The core mission of the University of Ea st London, founded in 1898, is to be a ca reers-first university and engine for soc ial mobility, committed to dive rsifying t he talent pipeline and provi ding studen nts with the skills and kno wledge to thri ve in the continuous ne xt.
UEL is uniquely positioned as an ancho r institution in east London with a glo bal outlook, focused on reimagining th e role of higher education in support of a hea lthier, fairer and more sustain able world d. The University is home to more than 4 0,000 students (both on campus and via partners) represe nti ng over 160 nation alities, with campu ses in Stratford and the Royal Albert D ock in east London’s Docklands Ente rprise Zone.
UEL is more than halfway through Vis ion 2028, its 10-year strategy, and has bee n recognised for its pioneering st rategie es and programmes, including being na med The Times & The Su nday Time s University of the Year for Teaching Qu ality, Good University Gu ide 2025. UEL was also 1 st in London, 1 st in England a nd 3d in the UK for ove erall graduates’ po sitivity in the Natio nal Student Survey 2 024; the highest ranked, most improved university, no w 9 th in London, in the Guardian Uni versity Guide 2025; and sho rtlisted for ‘University of the Year’ in the 2023 Ti mes Higher Education Awards.
In 2025, UEL celebrates a Year of Heal alth, which focuses on tackling healthl inequalities, promoting health and wel lbeing and driving forward innovation in h ealthcare, centred around the ope ning of a new state-of-the-art, commun ity-focused Health Campus in Stratfod .