Thursday, January 23

Lyca Productions A Subaskaran Presen ts A Jason Sanjay Durectorial

Lyca Productions A Subaskaran Presen ts A Jason Sanjay Durectorial

Sundeep Kishen starrer project’s offici aial announcement

Lyca Productions has established itself as a spearheading production house in the film industry by not just collaborat ating with the stars and star directors but fostering and supporting numerou us emerging filmmakers in their pursu it of accomplishing their artistry visio n. The recent announcement regardin g the production house’s partnership with Jason Sanjay for his directorial d ebut has generated considerable enthu siasm among both the media and the p ublic. In particular, the speculation su rrounding various leading actors linke d to the project has kept the attention firmly focused on it.

The production h ouse is delighted to o fficially launch th he film’s motion post er.

GKM Tamil Kumaran, Lyca Production s says, “Our production house has alw a ays strived to encourage good storyte ll ers, and when Jason Sanjay presente d the narrative, we felt something fres h and most importantly, it had the USP of drawing Pan-Indian attention. The b asic gist revolves around the theme of ‘searching for what you’ve lost in its or iginal place’—but at what cost? Sundee p Kishen has distantly proved his crow d-pulling calibre in Tamil and Telugu t erritories. We strongly believe this ne w collaboration will enthral the film e nthusiasts with a fresh cinematic expe rience.” When asked about the others in the cast and crew, he states, “We ha ve Thaman onboard to compose music, and are in talks with leading actors an d technicians from the industry. We wi ll soon be making announcements on the same. We are planning to kick-sta rt the shooting by January 2025.”