Mayan Tamil Movie Review
Vinod Mohan (Aadi), Bindu Madhavi (Goperumdevi), John Vijay (Chakrava rthy), Adukalam Naren (Ramalingam), Sai Deena (Veera Suran), Ranjana Nac hiar (Chinna),Ganja Karupu (Thaklas) Raja Simman (Muruga Suran), Maria (Athikali), Piya Bajpai (Honorary Appe arance)
Written – Directed by: J. Rajesh Khann a, Produced : J.Rajesh Khanna, Fox and Crow Studios, Co-Producer: G.V.K.M. El ephant Pictures Datuk Ganesh Mohana Sundaram,Cinematography: K. ArunPr ashant,Music Director : MS Jones Rupe rt,Cinematography: MR Regis,Art Dire ctor: A. Vanaraj,VFX : S. Ramesh Achar ya,Costume Design: Nivetha Joseph,So und Design: UKI.Iyyappan,Fighting Ma ster : Dinesh Kashi ,Dance : Nanda,Gop al,Colorist : S.Sivasandosh,Stills:Haari ,PRO : Sri Venkatesh etc .
Adi (Vinod Mohan), a calm-tempered IT worker, receives an e-mail telling him that the world will end in 13 days. Disbelieving at first, Aadi, after a few encounters with strange snakes and strange symbols, comes to believe the e-mail message he receives due to som e happenings around him. Because the world is going to end, he dares to do w hatever his heart desires. He takes a lo an from the bank and buys a house. He confronts his boss Ramalingam (Aduk ulam Naren) and humiliates him and l eaves the job. The moneylender crush es everyone, including Veera Sooran (S ai Deena), promptly marries his swee theart Goperumdevi (Bindu Madhavi) and has a fight with a police officer, Ch akraborty (John Vijay). That 13th day c omes when he spends every day witho ut telling anyone the truth he knows. D id the world end like Adi expected? I sn’t it? That is the rest of the story of the film.
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Movie Review-:
Newcomer actor Vinod Mohan in the r ole of Aadi, looks well-built but lacks f acial expressions to convey emotion i n emotional scenes, but tries to delive r as good a performance as possible. H e is amazing in fight scenes.
Bindu Madhavi playing Goperumdevi, John Vijay playing police officer Chakr aborty, Sai Deena playing villains, Raja Simman, Adukalam Naren, Ranjana Na chiyar, Ganja Karupu, Maria, Piya Bajp ai (honorary appearance) have contrib uted to the screenplay though their rol es are not big.
Arun Prasanth’s cinematography has o kay camera angles.
Ms. Jones Rupert’s music and backgrou nd music would have been more mena cing in keeping with the story if the no ise had been a bit more restrained.
Similarly, film editor MR Regis could h ave added a little more vibrancy.
Befitting the budget of the production, the climax features VFX sequences fea turing armies of goat-faced and dinosa ur-faced warriors. Screenplay is the cr ux of cinema, the sequence of scenes o n screen can turn feelings and story m ovement into a hit with a great screen play, while a good screenplay can turn a flop into a flop. Director Rajesh Khan na has tricked the audience with an un interesting and lackluster screenplay t hat moves in three genres: fantasy, thr iller and history, with Mayan Calendar as a complex timeline that tracks cosm ic cycles, focusing on the idea that the Carbon Age is over and the world is go ing to end.
This is My Personal Review So Please Go and Watch The Movie in theaters o nly
Written By -: CNN Oline Media Admin Ratting of -CNN Online Tv 5/5