Chennai’s Kevin Gabriel and Soulmate Win Silver at Junior National
Championships. 2024, Help Team Sec ure Historic Gold
Chennai, January 4, 2025: The young ri ders from Chennai Equitation Centre have returned from the Junior Nation al Championships 2024 in New Delhi w ith a h istoric 18 medals, setting an all-time rec ord for the team. This victory marks a la ndmark achievement for th e Chennai-b ased equestrian academy, which has con sistently placed at the t op in Dressage c ompetitions.In the Ch ildren 2 (10-12 ye ars) category, Kevin Gabriel, riding his horse Soulmate (co mpetition name: Sech hs Richtige), pla yed a key role in securin g the team’s g old in Children- 2 category . Kevin also earned an individual silver medal, wh ile teammate Eshan Sundaram claime d Gold with his black mare, Fame of Viberty. The team also featured Punav Suresh on Grandduke and Hasini B fro m Coimbatore. Miraya Dhadabhoym with her horse Knock-out claimed the team gol d alongside Sankara Rathore with FT in the Junior category.
“In horse-riding the partnership betw een horse and rider is essential to per form at the top. It is a great sport for children and juniors to make them me ntally and physically strong as well as build a trust ed relationship with their 500 kg sport-partner: the horse. The ki nd of experience and life-lessons they learn with us sta y with them for life a nd benefit them we ll beyond their ac tive riding career.” says Isabelle Futn ani
Kevin Gabriel, who began riding at the a ge of 10, has already established an impressive track record. In 2022, he w on his first national competition and w as hono red with the BestChennai’s Ke vin Gabriel and Soulmate Youngest Ri der award. Under the mentorship of Is abelle at the Chennai Equitation Centr e, Kevin earneed an individual Silver medal and contributed to the team’s h istoric Gold at the Junior National Cha mpionships. To date, Kevin has won 21 medals and 3 trophies and remains co mmitted to reaching new milestones in his equestrian career.Chennjai Equitat ion Centre, known for its world-class training facilities and experinced inst ructors, has been a nurturing ground for equestrian talent in India. Over the years, it has consistently produced top riders who have represented the coun try at both national and international ompetitions.
Results from Junior National Champi on Ships New Delhi 2024:
Age Group: Children 2Chennai’s Kevin Gabriel and Soulmate
Dressage Event: Team Gold – Hasini B – FT Team Gold – Punav Suresh9 – Grand du ke Team Gold – Kevin Gabriel- Soul mate Team Gold – Eshan Sundaram – F ame llChennai’s Kevin Gabriel and Sou lmate
Children 2
Individual Dressage Event:
Gold – Eshan Sundaram – l
Age Group: Children 1
Dressage Event:
Team Gold – Shubh Chowdhari – FT Tea m Gold – Pranav Deepak- Fame Team Gold – Ananya Sajith Haridas- Knock-out Teah Gold 6 Inara Milan Mehta –
Children 1
Gold – Shubh Chowdhari – FT,Silver – Pra nav Deepak- Fame
Individual Dressage Event:
Gold – Shubh Chowdhari – FT,Silver – Pra nav Deepak- Fame
Age Group: Juniors
Dressage Event:
Team Gold – Miraya Dadhabhoy- Knoc k-out,Team Gold – Sanskar Rathore – FT
Individual Dressage Event: silver – San skar Rathore – FT
Age Group: Young Rider
Team Dressage Event
Team Gold – Jaiveer Varma – Soulmat e,T eam Bronze – Samanna Everaa – Kn ock-out
Young Rider
Individual Dressage Event,Silver – Jai veer Verma – Soulmate.
About Chennai Equitation Centre: Chennai Equitation Centre is one of In dia’s premiere horse-riding clubs with so me of the country’s best horses, rid ers, i nfrastructure and coaches. CEC’s riders have won more than 100+ Natio nal Med als in the past few years. In Dr essage CEC riders from Tamil Nadu a re ranking amongst the top in the coun try! Our ambition is to provide a high-quality training facility with internati onal coaches to develop riders who wi ll represent India in th e coming ASIA N GAMES 2026. Chennai Equitation Ce ntre is one of most recognized club na mes at Equestrian competitions all ove r India. Our riders have consistently excelled at Local, National and Int ern ational events. Our riders regularly c ompete and win medals at Junior Nati onals, Equestrian Premier League (Em basy International Riding School, Bang alore) and International events like th e FEI Wo rld Challenges. The Chennai Equitation Centre (CEC) is located on a lush green campus in Sholinganallur in the heart of the IT Sector in Chenna ai. CEC is a trust s et up by Mr. Kishore Futnani and was established in Janur ary 2010. CEC was for merly known as ‘Chennai Equestrian Ac ademy’ started in 1998. The centre has some of the be st facilities in the country including a covered all weather arena (20×60 met ers) stabling for 60 horses & ponies, a competition size sand arena, practice dressage arena and lunging arenas as well as accommodation.