*Virat Karrna, Abhishek Nama, Kisho re Annapureddy, NIK Studios, Abhish ek Pictures, Tarak Cinemas’
Pan India Film NAGABANDHAM Pre-Look Unveiled, Introducing Rudhra On January 13th!*
Passionate Filmmaker Abhishek Nama c ontinues to elevate his craft with am bitious, large-scale project NAGABAN DHAM, promises to be a thrilling adve innture, encapsulated by its tagline – The Secret Treasure. Abhishek not on ly directs but also brings his creative touch to the sto ry and screenplay, ens uring a unique cinematic experience. ViratKarrna who ma de an impressive debut with the actioner Peddha Kapu is playing the lead role in the movie be ing produced by Kishore Annapuredd y under NIK Studios, in colla boration with Abhishek Pictures. The fil m also sees co-production efforts from Tarak Cinemas, alongside Lakshmi Ira a nd Devansh Nama, who proudly present this highly anticipated project.
Today, the makers unveiled a pre-look p oster, where the protagonist is seen sta nding in front of the massive door of an ancient temple. As the door is sli ghtly ajar, light emits from inside, hi nting at the grandeur of the project. T he makers hav e announced the intro duction of Rudhra on January 13th, coi nciding with the Sa nkranthi festival. The film’s shoot is currrently under w ay in Hyderabad.
Nagabandham also stars Nabha Nates h and Iswarya Menon playing the fem ale leads, and Jagapathi Babu, Jayapr akash, Murali Sharma and B.S. Avina sh in important roles.
Abhishek Nama penned a gripping scr ip t infused with spiritual and adventu rous themes, drawing inspiration from the re cent discoveries of hidden treas ures at t he Padmanabhaswamy and Puri Jagann nath Temples. Nagabandh am delves into the mystery surroundi ng the 108 Vishn u temples in India, wi th a focus on the ancientrituals of Nag abandham that prote tect these sacred sites.
The film’s captivating introductory vi de o has already intrigued audiences, offer ing a glimpse into a mesmerizing, enigm atic world. Avinash, famous for his role i n KGF, takes on the role of an Aghora. W ith its grand vision, Nagaba ndham prom mises exceptional produ uction values, cu tting-edge VFX, and a high-octane adventure.
Soundar Rajan S is the lensman for the movie, while Abhe is the music directo r. Kalyan Chakravarthy penned the dia logues, while Santosh Kamireddy is th editor. Ashok Kumar is the production desisigner.
NAGABANDHAM is a Pan India film set for a simultaneous release in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam in 2025 being made with whooping bud get of 100Cr.
விராட் கர்னா, நபா நடேஷ், ஐஸ்வ ர்யா எம் ஏனோன், ஜெகபதி பாபு, ஜெயபிரகாஷ், முர் அலி சர்மா, பி.எஸ். அவினாஷ் மற்றும் பலர.
தொழில்நுட்பக் குழு:
Banner : NIK Studios & Abhishek Pict ures Lakshmi Ira & Devansh Presents Stor ry, Screenplay & Director: Abhis hek Na ma Producer: Kishore Annap ureddy Co-Producer: Tarak Cinemas Director of ph otography: Soundar Ra jan S Music: Abh e Ceo: Vasu Potini Pro duction Designer: Ashok Kumar Dialo gues: Kalyan Chakr avarthy Editor: RC Panav Costume Desi gner: Aswin Raje sh Executive Producer: Abhinethry Jakkal Action: Venkat, Vlad Rimburg Script Development: Shra 1,Ra jiv n Krishna Vfx: Thunder Studios Vfx S upervisor: Dev Babu Gandi (Bujji) Publi city Designs: Kaani Studio PRO – Yuvraaj