Tuesday, March 11

Robotics in the education sector.. MiBO T Ventures is a new revolution!*

Robotics in the education sector.. MiBOT Ventures is a new revolution!*

MiBOT Ventures has created a new revoluti on in the education sector through robotics.

Regarding this, Vivek Dilip, CEO of the com pany, said,

MiBOT Ventures is engaged in bridging the gap between education and industry throu gh robotics and STEM (Science, Technolgy , Engineering, Mathematics) innovations.

MiBOT provides the best robotics solutions  from India to the world. And is ready to wor k with India’s growth as a value-added inno vative solution provider.


In today’s rapidly evolving scientific world, understanding technology is not only a ne cessity but also a necessity. That is why Mi BOT offers robotics programs and products that go beyond textbooks and transform classrooms into innovation hubs.

Whether it’s a kindergartener assembling their first robot or a high schooler progamm ing an AI-powered bot, for the first time in India, the curriculum is vali dated by the aw ard-winning Finnish company, a consortium of 43 educational technology companies.

Not just in the education sector, MiBOT Ve ntures is helping businesses leverage tech hnology to accelerate their proces sees,  dri ve automation and innovation. In addition, the classes provide software and hardware to help children develop th heir thinking ski lls.

MiBOT’s expertise lies in advanced robotic s  solutions that help businesses thrive in a technology-driven world. In industries like oil and gas, MiBOT robotics technology imp roves safety, streamlines operations and re duces risks in hazardous environments.

MiBOT is designed to compete with bot ts ever made. And we’ve built them to help so lve real-world problems.

MiBOT Ventures has today become a new s tartup, becoming an engineering and techn ology innovator for students and indursties around the world, he said. Co-founder Kalai kovan Anthony and financial advisor Laksh man Kumar Nasarpuri were also present.