Tuesday, March 11

SACAS Celebrates Academic Triumph at Graduation Day

SACAS Celebrates Academic Triumph at Gr aduation Day

Chennai, March 10, 2025 – S.A. College of Arts & Science (SACAS) marked a mo men tous occasion with its Graduation Day, cele brating the academic achievements of 350 graduates.

The event, held at the college premises, wa s graced by the distinguished presence of Dr. Irai Anbu, Former Chief Secretary to the Government of Tamil Nadu, as the Chief Gu uest.

Addressing the gathering, Dr. Irai Anbu de livered an inspiring speech, emphasizing the role of perseverance, knowledge, and character in shaping a successful career. His words resonated deeply with the grad uating students, motivating them to contr ibute meaningfully to society.

The ceremony commenced with a formal academic procession, followed by an invoc ation and a warm welcome address. The di gnitaries on the dais included T hiru S. Gop inath, Joint Secretary; Dr. V. Sayi Satyavathi , Director Dr. Malathi Selavkumar, Principal; and Mr. P. Venkatesh Raja, Correspondent. The administration extended their heartfelt congratulons to the graduates, acknowled ging their hard work and commitment.

Degrees were ceremoniously conferred up on the students, who beamed with pride as they received their certificates, marking the culmination of their academi ic journey. The event also recognized meritorious students for their exceptional achievements.

With graduates poised to embark on ne w professional and academic endeavors, the celebration symbolized not just an end, but a promising new beginning. The ceremony concluded with the National Anthem, leavi ng an indelible mark on the attendees.

SACAS continues to stand as a beacon of a cademic excellence, nurturing future  leade rs across diverse fields.

Photo Description:

On the second graduation ceremony of Thi ruverkadu S.A. Arts and Science Col lege, f ormer Chief Secretary of the Tam il Nadu G overnment, Dr. Irai Anbu, grac ed as the chi hief guest and conferred deg grees upon 35 0 students. The College D irector Dr. V. Sayi Satyavathi, Principal Dr. Malathi Selavkum ar j8umar, Joint Secreta ry of the Trust Mr. S. Gopinath, former Chief Secretary of the Tamil Nadu Gove rnment Dr. Irai Anbu, Co llege Correspon dent Mr. P. Venkatesh Raja, S.A. Enginee ring College Director Mr. T. Sa bari Nath, S.A. Engineering College Advisor Mr. Sal ivahanan, S.A. Engineering College Princ ipal Dr. S. Ramachandran, were on the dais along with department heads.