AWS and iTNT Hub collaborate to nurt ure generative
AWS and iTNT Hub collaborate to nurtu re generative AI innovation among start ups in Tamil Nadu
Chennai July 15, 2024: Amazon Web Serv v ices (AWS) India Private Limited* today ann ounced that it is supporting Tamil Nadu Tec hnology (iTNT) Hub to launch a generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) sta rtup hub prog ram, that will focus on acc elerating the dev elopment of generative AI solutions for p ublic-centric initiatives through the startup ecosystem in Tamil Nadu. The program will enable startups to collaborate with the indu stry to build public sector-focused solution s using ge nerative AI, and will solicit and shortlist startups building solutions for gov ernment, healthcare, education, and non-pro fit sectors operating in the AI, generativ e AI, and deep-tech space. This new initia tive was announced during ‘Generative AI Startup–Venture Capital’ mixer event held by AWS and iTNT Hub in Chennai.
iTNT as an innovation hub was establish ed by the Ministry of Electronics and Informa tion Technology (MeitY, Governme nt of Ind ia), and Information Technology and Digital Services Department (IT&DS , Government of Tamil Nadu), with indu stry support. The Hub located in Anna U niversity, Chennai, is focused on buildin g a unique deep tech inn ovation networ k in Tamil Nadu by leverag ing the comb ined strengths of startups, in novators, a cademia, government, and ind ustry leaders. This new program will prov ide me n torship to founders emerging fro m incubation programs of more than 570 engin eering colleges affiliated with Anna Uni versity.
The generative AI startup hub program a ims to support startups and innovator s at all stages of maturity, including inco rporat ed startups, mature startups, indi vidual inn ovators, and pre-incorporated teams. Startu ps in incubation will have t he opportunity to access research oppor tunities for indus try collaboration, secto ral guidance to drive market disruption, and funding avenues.
“AWS recognizes the transformative pot ini tial of generative AI, the value it can offer to public sector organisations and ci tizens, a nd the role that startups can play in accele rating innovation and deve loping solutions for adoption,” said Sunil PP, Lead – Chann els and Alliances, Publi c Sector, AWS India Private Limited*.
“By collaborating with iT NT Hub, we ai m to nurture a startup com munity that has core capabilities and stren gths in ge nerative AI, accelerate innovation using generative AI, and help public sector org anisations implement solutions that can create positive and scalable impact in soci ety.
Startups eligible for this program will re cei ve a range of benefits to enable their gro w th. They will be able to build a stro ng techn ical foundation by leveraging th e expertise and resources from AWS, th e world’s most comprehensive and broa dly adopted cloud platform. Each eligibl e startup will receive up to USD $10,000 in AWS credits to experi ment and build with more than 240 fully fea tured servic es on AWS, including innovat ive genera tive AI services and solutions s uch as A mazon Bedrock, Amazon Q, Ama zon SageMaker, AWS Trainium, AWS Infer ent ia, among others. AWS will also explore the possibility of onboarding startups to the AWS Partner Network (APN), subje ct to the fulfilment of eligibility criteria, which can en able these organisations wi th product acc eleration, and market acc ess and expansio n.
iTNT Hub will further support the ident ified startups through its technical expe rtise an d mentorship, guidance on busin ess and fu nding fundamentals, and setti ng up indust ry connects for startups to understand ma rket opportunities and b uild their solutions.
“iTNT Hub is dedicated to harnessing Tamil Nadu’s vast tech capability and fostering re search, development and innovation across the state. This excit ing collaboration with AWS gives star tup founders access to me ntorship, res ources, and a community for the devel opment of citizen-driven generati ve AI solutions. Collaborating with a global te chnology leader like AWS gives us acce ss to the latest technology, innovation meth odologies, and best practices, and enables startups to jumpstart their inno v ation and growth journey with subjec t-matter expern tise on cloud and gener ative AI,” said Vanit ha Venugopal, CEO, iTNT Hub. “Through th is program, we as pire to strengthen the en trepreneurial environment for startups acr oss Tamil N adu, and empower those based in locati ons which typically have limited ac cess to resources.”
The generative AI startup hub program will enable startups through webinars, technic al workshops, and masterclas ses. Select ed startups will also benefit fro m industry connects, roadshows, hacka thons, and cus tomer engagements. The program will be g overned by a steering management com mi ttee comprising exe cutives from AWS India and iTNT Hub. Interested startups can read more here.