Thursday, January 23

Gladiator 2 Movie Review

Gladiator 2 Movie Review


The cast includes Joseph Quinn as Emp eror Greta, Fred Hechinger as Empero r Cara Calla, Derek Jacobi, Connie Niel sen etc.


Cinematography- John Mathieson Mus ic -Harry Gregson Williams, Directed B
y –Ridley Scott (The first part-(Gladiat or), was also directed by him) .


16 years after the death of Maximus at the beginning of the film, the city of Ro me is falling into the hands of two irre sponsible youths. Even when the peopl e of Rome are suffering from food, the two princes send their generals to con quer many cities.

The commander the n captures Africa Nova, captures the c ommander (Luci us) and brings him to Rome, where De nzil Washington choos es him as a glad iator and takes him to fight. But it tur ns out that his mother is a princess an d his father is dead Ma ximus, and the n the battle between th he 2 irresponsi ble princes and Lucius is the rest of th e story.

Watch The Trailor-:

Movie Review -:

Ridley Scott is still trending among the oldest directors in Hollywood. The sec ond part of Gladiator, which was relea sed in the year hn 2000 and became a  mega hit and collected many Oscar aw ards, is coming out today after 24 year s, let’s see how the film fares.

Film An alysis Gladiator is the entertai nment of the kings and the people of R ome, w here the soldiers from the defe ated co untries are left to fight in the g reat  ba ttlefield of Rome. Kangua Scre en  Revi view Kangua Screen Review T his is the story of Lucius, the son of Ma ximus, w ho was betrayed by his own c ountry  a nd became a gladiator.

Luc ius is sent to another country by h is m other for his welfare at an early a ge. B ut Lucius comes to his motherlan d as a gladiato r, just as time always ch ooses the prin ce of a country. As a gla diator, Lucius gives his best performa nce, and despi te being a small figure, it’s awe-inspiri ng that he can crush so many big figur res on the field. But he is missing that Thoran of Maximus. Al so, Denzil Wash hington’s Saguni game where he comes in as a gladiator train er and takes over the entire city of Ro me is very effectiv ve. Gladiator is as f ast paced as the firs t part but lacks a punchy scene from it

This is My Personal Review So Please Go and Watch The Movie In Theaters Only.

Written By -;CNN on-line  Admin CNN online Ratting -:5/5