Wednesday, January 15

IFFCO’s Nano Fertilizer Promotion Campaign launched

IFFCO’s Nano Fertilizer Promotion Campa ign launched

Through 200 model Nano Village Clusters, farmers of 800 villages will be given gr ants by IFFCO to encourage the use o f Nano Urea Plus, Nano DAP and Sagar ika 15 institutions have been contracted to spray 2.45 lakh acres of area by drones.

IFFCO launched a mega campaign to bri ng the use of indigenously manufacture d indigenous products Nano Urea Plus a nd Nano DAP (liquid) into the mainstre am of Indian agriculture.

Chennai, July 8, 2024: To promote the u se of nano fertilizers, the Nano Fertilizer Usage Promotion Mahaabhiyan has be en launched by IFFCO on 1st July 2024. Under this, 200 model nano village clus ters have been selected by IFFCO. Thro ugh this, farmers of 800 villages are bei ng given a subsidy of 25 percent on the price (MRP) of Nano Urea Plus, Nano D AP and Sagarika by IFFCO so that farme rs can use nano fertilizers more and mor e in their fields. Along with this, IFFCO will give a grant of Rs 100 per acre to th e drone entrepreneur so that farmers can get the facility of spraying at low rat es. Farmers will be made aware of the in crease in the quality and production of the crop in these model nano villages.

Hon’ble Prime Minister has also launch ed 100 days action plan to increase the use of nano fertilizers in agriculture, un der which 1270 demonstrations of Nano DAP (liquid) will be conducted in 413 dis tricts and 200 trials of Nano Urea Plus (liquid) in 100 districts. In these trials, the help of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, State Agricultural University and other resear ch institutions will be taken and monitor ed by the Government of India.

Nano fertilizers will be made available by IFFCO to the cooperative society and other sales outlets. Farmers will be told about the benefits of nano fertilizers. IF FCO is providing 2500 agricultural dron es for farmers for spraying nano fertiliz ers, for which 300 ‘Namo Drone Didi’ an d drone entrepreneurs have been prepa red. Apart from this, other types of spra yers have also been made available through which farmers will be able to easily spray nano fertilizers in their fields. Con tracts have been made with 15 instituti ons to spray 245 lakh acres of area by drones which will spray in the fields of farmers. An incentive of Rs 100 per acre will also be provided on each spray.

From August 2021 to June 26, 2024, a total of 7.55 crore Nano Urea and 0.69 crore Nano DAP bottles produced by IFFCO have been used by farmers. In order to provide maximum benefit to the farmers, IFFCO has set a target of producing 4 crore Nano Urea Plus and 2 crore Nano DAP bottles in the year 2024-25. In this sequence, from April 2024, IFFCO has made available Nano Urea Plus (liquid) 20% w/v N of high concentration to the farmers, which will help in increasing quality crop producti vity and environmental protection.

Under this campaign, IFFCO has also planned publicity, field testing, training of secretaries of cooperative societies etc. in all the districts of the country. The Ministry of Fertilizers will also coll aborate to implement this scheme so th at the use of nano fertilizers in pla ce of chemical fertilizers in the fields can be encouraged. Under this mega ca mpaign, it has been planned to provide 6 crore b ottles of nano fertilizers which will be di stributed through 36000 mem ber coop erative societies of IFFCO and other coo pera tive societies.

It will also be ensured that availability of nano fertilizers is made at each Pradh an Mantri Kisan Samridhi Kendras (PM KSK). IFFCO is providing nano fertilizers to farmers by entering into marketing ag reements with Indian Potash Limited (IPL), Fertilizers and Chemicals Travanc ore (FACT), Brahmaputra Valley Fertili zer Corporation Limited (BVFCL), Rasht riya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (R CF), National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) etc.

In August 2021, IFFCO has commercia lly produced the world’s first indigenous nano urea based on nanotechnology, giv ing the whole world a great alternative to conventional urea. In March 2023, IF FCO has also made nano DAP (liquid) available to farmers to reduce the use of DAP fertilizer. In view of the serious pro blem of environmental imbalance world wide, there is a need to reduce the use of conventional chemical fertilizers in farming by nano fertilizers. As a result, the country can be strengthened econo mically and globally by realizing the con cept of ‘self-reliant agriculture’ and ‘sel f-reliant India’ with environmental prot ection.

Talking about the harm caused by indisc riminate use of urea, the use efficiency o f urea is less than 30 percent, more than 70 percent of the quantity in the form of gas (NOx) harms the environment, wat er pollution in the form of nitrate (NO3) and soil health in the form of ammonia (NH4+, NO3). Conventional urea has a role to play in the high incidence of pest s and diseases, crop fall and crop inabilit y to tolerate adversity. The benefits of nanofertilizers are several such as impro vement in soil health, reduction in water and air pollution, increase in crop produ ction and quality, reduction in use of con ventional fertilizers, reduction in incide nce of pests and diseases; Ease of trans portation and storage and environmen tal friendliness are the main ones.