Kauvery Hospital Vadapalani Records Remarkable
Kauvery Hospital Vadapalani Records Remarkable Advances in Heart Attack Interventions for December 2024
Chennai, 8th January 2025: Kauvery Ho spital Vadapalani is pleased to announ ce a series of remarkable achievement s in its management of ST-Elevation M yocardial Infarction (STEMI) cases dur ing December 2024. In December alone e, the hospital treated 15 STEMI cases, averag ing one case every alternate da y, reinforcing Kauvery Hospital’s reput ation as a leader in the management of critical hea rt attacks.
Among the key observations for Dece mber, Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarc tions (IWMI) were found to be the dom inant form of STEMI, with the Right Co ronary Artery (RCA) identified as the p rimary culprit in 8 of the 15 cases. This seasonal trend, which has been consist ently observed in previous years, high lights the increased incidence of IWMI cases during t he winter months. Reco gnizing the heightened risk during this time, Kauvery H ospital remains vigil ant, prepared, and responsive in deliv ering timely intervent tions for the be st possible outcomes for patients.
A particularly notable achievement th his month has been the improvement in Do or-to-Balloon (D2B) time—the ti me take en from patient admission to angioplastasty intervention. Kauvery Hospital has set a new benchmark wit h an impressiv ve average D2B time of just 49 minutes, which is significantly shorter than Inter national Standard t ime of 90 minutes . This achievement s hows that providing swift, efficient, a nd life-saving treat ment to STEMI pat tients, significantly reduces the time to reperfusion therapy, which is crucial for minimizing heart muscle damage and improving survival rates.
Primary angioplasty has been a corner s tone of Kauvery Hospital’s approach to heart attack management. Primary angioplasty, also known as percutaneo us coronary intervention (PCI), is the g old-st andard treatment for STEMI pati ents who present within the critical wi ndow af ter the onset of symptoms. Un like thro m bolytic therapy, which invo lves clot-busting medications, primary angioplasty aims to mechanically open up blocked coronary arteries by using a catheter an d a balloon, followed by the placement of a stent to maintain t he artery’s patency.
Kauvery Hospital’s angioplasty proce dures have been supported by cutting-edg e technology, including advanced imagin g systems and high-quality sten t technology, which have contributed s ignificantntly to faster recovery times and fewer complications for patients. The hospital has seen an impressive re duction in com plications such as reste nosis (re-narrow ing of the artery) and stent thrombosis, thanks to the exper tise of the medical te am and its state-of-the-art equipment.
In India, survival rates for patients wi th STEMI vary significantly depending on the timeliness and type of treatme nt received. Hospital mortality for ST EMI pa tients generally ranges from 5 % to 15%, with better outcomes observ ed in urban hospitals equipped with a dvanced cardi ac care facilities. Studie es suggest that 9 0% of STEMI patients who undergo prim ary angioplasty sur vive at least one year particularly whe en treatment is initiated within the cri tical first 90 minutes. In comparison, p atients receiving thrombolysis, particu larly those presenting later, have a hos pital mortality rate of around 1 0% to 1 5%. Fast intervention times are crucia l, with hospitals that manage to achiev e Door-to-Balloon times under 60 minu tes reporting a 5% reduction in mortal ity compared to those with longer inte rvention times.
Senior Cardiologists at Kauvery Hospit al, has been instrumental in refining t he hospital’s angioplasty protocols. Th heir efforts to streamline patient work flows a nd optimize angioplasty proced ures have played a pivotal role in achi eving the h ospital’s impressive D2B ti mes and ensuring better patient outco mes.
The hospital’s central location in Vada palani is a unique selling point, provid ding quick access for emergency patie nts. Th is strategic positioning ensures that am bulances can reach the hospit al promptly, crucial in heart attack ca ses where ti me is of the essence. This proximity allo ws Kauvery Hospital to provide 24/7 emergency services, so th at patients can re ceive immediate car e in their most critic al moments.
Prof. P. Manokar, Senior Interventiona l Cardiologist and Clinical Lead for the He art Failure & Transplant Program, r emar ked, “The improvement in our D 2B time shows the efficiency of our ent ire team. Every second counts in the t reatment of STEMI, and we have work ed tirelessly t o streamline our proces ses so that patie ents receive the best c are without delay. Our ability to reduc uce D2B time to 49 minutes is a major milestone, and we will b e continuing this momentum in providing the high est standard of cardiac care to all our patients.”
Additionally, Dr. Sundar C, Senior Con sultant Interventional Cardiologist an d Endovascular Specialist at Kauvery Hospit al, shared, “The hospital’s infra structure and our team’s round-the-clo ck availability of cardiology services, i ncluding intensive care, cath labs, and emergency car diac intervention, mak e Kauvery Hospit al a preferred choice for heart attack pa tients in Chennai. With our dedicated approach, we conti nue to lead in cardiac c are and impro ving every patient’s journ ey towards r ecovery.”
Dr. Aravindan Selvaraj, Co-Founder an d Executive Director, Kauvery Group o f Hospitals, expressed his pride in the hospi tal’s achievements, saying, “Our team’s e xcellence is clearly reflected i n these ex ceptional outcomes. The im provement i n our D2B time is a direct result of the h ard work and collaborat ion of our docto ors, nurses, and suppo rt staff. It highlights our determinatio n to deliver the fast est, most effective cardiac interventions and save lives w hen it matters most. We are proud of the strides we have made, a nd we will continue to set new standard s in cardi ac care.”
Kauvery Hospital Vadapalani aims at d elivering the highest quality of care to pa tients, particularly those suffering from life-threatening cardiac conditio ns. The hospital’s promise to excellenc e in heart attack management is evide nt in its continuous focus on improvin g treatment ti mes, leveraging advanc ced technology, a nd ensuring that pati ents receive the m ost effective interv entions possible.