Friday, February 7

Mada Gaja Raja Tamil Movie Review

Mada Gaja Raja Tamil Movie Review


Vishal, Anjali, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar r, S anthanam, Late Mano bala, Sonu S ood, Late Manivannan, Nithin Sathya, Sadagopan Ramesh and others.


DIRECTOR : Sundar C. PRODUCER : Ak kineni Manohar Prasad, Akkineni Ana nd Prasad MUSIC DIRECTOR : Vijay Ant ony ART DIRECTOR : GURURAJ STUNT : SUPER SUBBURAYAN CHOREOGRAPH Y : BRINDA & SHOBI LYRICS : Pa. Vijay, Annamalai BANNER : Gemini Film, Cir cuit CINEMATOGRAPHY : Richard M. N abthan, EDITING : Praveen K. L, N. B. S rikanth, MUSIC on Gemini Audio, C & P : Gemini Audio, PRO : Johnson and oth ers.


Vishal and his 3 friends Santhanam, Sa dokopan Ramesh, Nitin Satya get toget her for the wedding of his school teach her ‘s daughter.sema galatta, a fun tim e, when Vishal corrects it knowing that Santhan am is going to divorce his wife soon.

At the same time, Satogopan Ramesh a nd Nitin Satya learn that both their bu sinesses have been victimized by busin essman Sonu sood.

Immediately Vishal goes to confronted Sonu sood as his friends problem, the rest of the story is whether Vishal solv ed his friends problem before Sonu so od money.

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Movie Review -:

In Tamil cinema, there is an idea that a fil m that comes after many years will not work, but only a few films like Hist ory have survived. In that way Mada G aja Raja also escaped.

Moreover, watching all our favorite a ctors 13 years ago is like watching a fi lm on Sunday prime time on Sun TV, S undar C has given a drama. Vishal has set the bar in his peak time look, man nerism, dance and stunts, if he had fo llowed the same r oute he would have been in Sivakarthikeyan’s place and he would have been in the next Vijay com mpetition.

Above all, I have to say that Santhana m is the kind of man he was, the man who made him laugh more than that. He stirs up dust with his one-liners ev erywhere he goes, and makes it lively by giving a p roper entry where the ac tion is a little s lack throughout the sec econd half.

Manobala has done a 20 minute atroc ity that is sure to leave the theater re eling with laughter. But, Sundar. It is natural t hat a C film has glamour. But Anjali,Varat, Anjali, VaraLakshmi glam or scenes in this are transgressive, I d on’t know if the mood of the fans then will be the same n ow, all those scenes are a little frowning.

The great thing is that the cinematogra phy has matched this trend perfectly, ese pecially the old phones in the film, it’s a bit of nostalgia. Songs composed by Vija y Antony, background music is superb.Vishal is a complete commerci al hero.Santhanam is definitely missed by not only Ta mil cinema but also ma ny actors as a co medy actor. Mano Bal a ,Santhanam,  Vishal Comedy Scenes. Extreme glamor shots. A Madha Gaja R aja is an example of how even after 13 years a good commercial cinema succe ss cannot be stopped.

This Is My Personal Review So Please go and Watch The Movie in Theaters Only

Written by CNN Online Media Admin Ratting CNN Online Media  5 /  5