Thursday, January 23

Nxtra by Airtel becomes first data centre in India

Nxtra by Airtel becomes first data cen tre in India

Nxtra by Airtel becomes first data cen tre in India to deploy AI for enhanced operational excellence Leverages .

A1 to build smarter, more efficient an d silient future-ready data centres Che nnnai (India), November 6, 2024: Fur the ring its mission to build future-rea dy data centre infrastructure that is “I nte lligent by Design and Sustainable by Choice”, Nxtra by Airtel, one of Ind ia’s leading data centre companies, has de ployed Artificial Intelligence (AI) in its data centres to drive operational ex cellence.

With this, Nxtra by Airtel has become the first data centre in India to levera ge AI to build new-age digitised faciliti es engineered to drive smart capabilit ies like predictive maintenance, enhan ced operational and energy efficiency, streamlined automation of operations and optimised capex utilisation. The d
eployment leverages the AI-powered SmartSense platform of leading AI ex pert in the infrastructure industry, Ec olibrium.

Nxtra implemented the AI technology in its Chennai data centre first and will now deploy the capabil ities across all its core data centres.

With the deployment, Nxtra aims to achieve key efficiency milestones incl uding: 10% increasse in asset life thro ugh real time performance analytics to identify early signs of deterioration and provide corrective recommendati ons 10% reduction in non-IT power con sumption through early identification of deviations and energy loss in each piece of equipment 15%increase in equ ipment performance through AI-driv en Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FD D) algorithms and preventative main tenance 25%improvement in  producti vity with intelligent and proactive insi ghts across all DC operations Ashish A rora,CEO- Nxtra by Airtel, said, “As a b rand, we are always integrating newer ways to build future-ready and sustain able data centres with a vision to deli ver superior customer experiences.


In line with this, we have been at the fore front of building new-age data cen tres that leverage automation and adv ance d technological capabilities. The partn ership with Ecolibrium and the integr tion of AI into the core of our da ta cen tres is a crucial step in this direc tion w ith which we will advance our energy efficiency and overall perform ance.”

Chintan Soni, CEO – Ecolibrium, said, “Today, our AI/ML platform is operati onal at over 500 sites worldwide, prov iding real-time, data-driven insights ac ross industries like real-estate and ma nufacturing. In a first-of-its-kind colla boration with Nxtra, we are bringing our 12 years of expertise to revolution ise data centre operations through cu tting-edge AI technology. Nxtra has do ne commendable work in building env ironmentally friendly digital infrastru cture and, by connecting it with our ex pertise in AI and engineering, we are confident that together we can them m aintain high standards of operational and energy efficiency”.Leveraging  AI/ ML based algorithms will enable Nxtra to identify opportunities for cost savin gs and efficiency improvements and b uild agile data centres with which it ca n deliver enhanced end user experien ences to its customers.
Nxtra by Airtel offers India’s largest n etwork of intelligent and sustainable data centres across 120+ locations to le ading enterprises, hyperscalers, start-ups, SMEs and governments. The comp pany is on a trajectory to double its exi sting capacity to over 400 MW in the ne xt few years. Nxtra has committed to becoming net-zero by 2031 through mu ul tiple interventions including accele rated green energy adoption, energy ef ficient infrastructure and processes a nd the implementation of sustainable business practices. For more details, vi sit

About Bharti Airtel Limited Headquar
tered in India, Airtel is a global comm unications solutions provider with ov er 550 million customers in 15 countri es across India and Africa. The compa ny also has its presence in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka though its associate enti ties. The company ranks amongst the t op three mobile operators globally and its networks cover over two billion pe ople. Airtel is India’s largest integrated communications solutions provider an d the second largest mobile operator i n Africa. Airtel’s retail portfolio includ es high-speed 4G/5G mobile broadband , Airtel Xstream Fiber that promises sp eeds up to 1 Gbps with convergence ac ross linear and on-demand entertainm ent, streaming services spanning mus ic and video, digital payments and fina ncial services. For enterprise custome rs, Airtel offers a gamut of solutions t hat includes secure connectivity, cloud and data centre services, cyber securit y, IoT, Ad Tech and cloud based commu nication. For more details visit

About Ecolibrium
Founded in 2012, Ecolibrium is a global leader in AI-powered decarbonisation technology. The combination of the co mpany’s award-winning flagship platf form, SmartSense, with its unique cus tomer care philosophy and partners, enables organisations to more accura rately view and measure their carbon footprint, turning real-time data-dri ven insights into implementable and measurable outcomes. The company has delivered an impact that spans ov er 80 clients and 500+ sites globally, ass imilating 25 million data points daily. Over the past decade, Ecolibrium has consistently delivered a 20% reduction in energy spend, an 11% increase in pr oductivity, and a 21% reduction in mai ntenance costs. For more details, visit