Saturday, February 8

Star Health Settles Rs. 3,470 Crore in Claims in Tamil Nadu

Star Health Settles Rs. 3,470 Crore in Cl aims in Tamil Nadu

Star Health Settles Rs. 3,470 Crore in Claims in Tamil Nadu,Demonstrating Strong Commitment

§ Introduces ‘SUPER STAR’- Industry’s First long term Retail Health Insuranc ce Policy

§ Offers long-term policy and unparal leled, highly customisable solutions fo or evolving healthcare needs

§ Provides immediate coverage for pr e-existing conditions like Diabetes and Hypertension

§ Star Health aims to double its busi ne ss in TN within the next 4 years

§ Demonstrates strong claims perforf mance with over Rs. 3,470 crores disbu rsed in Tamil Nadu in the last 5 yrs

Chennai, December 10, 2024: Star Heal th and Allied Insurance Company Limi ted, India’s first standalone health ins urance provider, today unveiled its re volutionary retail health insurance pr oduct, ‘SUPER STAR’. This innovative p olicy introduces the industry’s first lo ng-term option for the retail health se gment, combining advanced features and highly customizable coverage to a ddress the growing complexities of mo dern lifestyles, rising medical expense s, and unforeseen emergencies. 

· Largest Retail Health Insurance Co mpany

· Claim amount paid in Tamil Nadu in lasr 5 years: Rs.3470 Crore

· No. of Branches in Tamil Nadu: 115

· Hospital Network in Tamil Nadu: 20 00+

· No of Agents: 1,00,000+

Health has established a strong presen ce in Tamil Nadu, having disbursed cla ims worth over Rs. 3,470 crore in the p ast five years. With 115 branches, an e xtensive network of over 2,000 hospita ls, and a dedicated team of more than 1 lakh agents, the company covers 37 l akh lives across the state. As part of its growth strategy, Star Health plans to r ecruit 12,000 new agents across Tamil Nadu in FY25 and expand its footprint with 25 new offices in both rural and u rban areas. Looking ahead, the com pa ny aims to double its business in Tamil Nadu over the next four years. On a na tional scale, Star Health has success fu lly settled over 1.1 crore claims, amou nting to INR 53,000 crore, further solid ifying its leadership in claims settleme nt and customer trust.

Commenting on the launch, Anand R oy, MD & CEO of Star Health Insuranc e, said:
“The SUPER STAR policy reflects our c ommitment to crafting innovative sol utions that address the dynamic healt hcare needs of our customers. By expa nding its reach through our extensive agency network, we are bridging digit al convenience with personalized opti ons, ensuring unmatched flexibility an d freedom of choice. While the produ ct will be available to all customer de mographics, it is the millennials that h have been looking for greater persona lisation. SUPER STAR addresses this gr owing need amongst our customers by offering limitless options, affordabilit y, family discounts, and long-term ben efits, making it ideal for young familie s. With features like Quick Shield and the long term tenure, we aim to provid e comprehensive and highly customis able coverage for India’s evolving heal thcare needs.”

SUPER STAR is now available through Star Health’s agency network, broaden ning its accessibility across customer d emographics and geographies.

Key Features of the SUPER STAR Plan:

§ Quick Shield: Enjoy immediate cove rage starting as early as the 31st day, e ven for pre-existing conditions such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma, and specific heart-related diseases

§ Freeze Your Age: Lock in your age at the time of enrolment, ensuring stable premiums until a claim is made

§ Super Star Bonus: Provides a guaran teed 100% cumulative bonus every yea r, regardless of claims, with no cap on accumulation

§ Star Health Settles Rs. 3,470 Crore in Claims in Tamil Nadu,

§ Premium Waiver: Waives premiums for the subsequent year if the propose r faces listed critical illnesses or accid ental death

§ E-International Medical Opinion: Facilitates second medical opinions fr om an international panel once per po licy year, enhancing global access to e xpert advice.

The launch reaffirms Star Health’s lea dership in the health insurance indust stry, driven by its innovative product d esign, robust underwriting methodolo gy, strong claims settlement track reco rd, and customer centricity. The SUPE R STAR plan is poised to redefine heal th insurance accessibility and afforda bility across India.