Thursday, January 23

Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre Unveils New Initiatives

Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Cen tre Unveils New Initiatives for World Diabe tes Day, 2024

~Launch of ‘Healthy Aging Clinic’ & ‘Dr. Mohan’s On Wheels’ to Enhance Diabetes Care and Accessibility~

Chennai, India, November 11, 2024: In a pioneering effort to broaden the rea ch of diabetes care and champion the needs of India’s aging population, Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre (DMDSC) has launched the ‘Healthy A ging Clinic’ and ‘Dr. Mohan’s On Whe els.’ These two novel initiatives seek to reshape how diabetes is managed in In dia, placing a strong emphasis on acce essibility, preventive care, and quality of life improvements.

Unveiled in hon our of ‘World Diabetes Day’ (14th Nove mber), these services are in perfect ali gnment with this yea r’s theme of impr oving diabetes care a ccess, showcasing DMDSC’s commitme nt to empowering patients through in novative solutions that bring health ca care directly to their communities and homes.

The Healthy Aging Clinic, a first-of-its-kind service in India, is dedicated to a ddressing the unique needs of aging i ndividuals, particularly those manag ing diabetes. This clinic offers compre ehensive care to enhance physical, me ntal, and cognitive health, focusing on preventive measures to improve the q uality of life of elders. With a multidis sciplinary team of specialists, the clin ic provides personalized care and evid ence-based strategies to manage diabe tes-related challenges, reduce complic ations and support patients in mainta ining an active, fulfilling lifestyle.

“Healthy aging encompasses much mo re than just physical wellness; it’s abo ut nurturing the mind and body toget her to support our patients as they gr ow older,” said Dr. V. Mohan, Chairma n of Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre. “At Dr. Mohan’s, we are deeply committed to a holistic approach to h ealthcare, ensuring that individuals r eceive the support they need at every stage of life. This new clinic represents a significant advancement in our missi on to provide preventive and proactiv e ve care that addresses the unique ch allenges faced by our elderly patients. By focusing on physical health, mental resilience, and cognitive vitality, we ar e empowering our patients to maintai in their independence, enhance their well-being, and truly lead fuller, more fulfilling lives as they age.”

Dr. R. M. Anjana, Managing Director of Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Cent re, emphasized the specialized focus of the new clinic, noting, “We are proud t o introduce India’s first Healthy Aging Clinic within a diabetes center, recogn izing that people with diabetes are at an increased risk for cognitive issues such as dementia. Our clinic is designe d to identify early signs of cognitive de cline, and we’re committed to employi ng state-of-the-art tools and intervent ions to manage and potentially preven t these issues. Through this specialized d care, we hope to improve not only ph ysical health but also mental resilienc e and cognitive vitality in our patients.

Adding to the expertise, Dr. S. Uthra, C onsultant at Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Spec ialities Centre, highlighted the clinic’s comprehensive approach to cognitive care, stating, “Early detection of cognit ive decline is crucial, and we are imple menting cutting-edge assessment tools to identify symptoms early on. For our elderly patients, personalized treatme ent plans and support are paramount, and this clinic is a significant step tow ard providing tailored, compassionate care.”

Further expanding its commitment to accessible healthcare, DMDSC has also introduced ‘Dr. Mohan’s On Wheels’, a mobile diabetes care initiative that bri ngs healthcare directly to patients’ ho mes. This new service includes in-hom e doctor consultations, personalized s upport, and ongoing care, designed to ensure patients receive consistent and convenient diabetes management with out the need to visit a clinic.

“We’re on a mission to make diabetes care as accessible as possible,” explain ed Dr. V. Mohan. “With Dr. Mohan’s On Wheels, we’re reaching patients who may otherwise find it challenging to vi sit a clinic regularly. This initiative wi ll enhance treatment adherence, empo wer individuals in their self-care, and ultimately lead to better health outco mes.”

Expanding on the vision for this innov ative service, Dr. R. M. Anjana remark ed, “Accessibility remains a pressing is sue in healthcare, and Dr. Mohan’s On Wheels is our answer to bridging that gap. By meeting patients where they a re, we’re offering a personalized and c onvenient approach that prioritizes c ontinuity of care. This initiative is desi gned to reduce healthcare disparities and bring specialized diabetes support into the homes of those who need it m ost.”

The Healthy Aging Clinic and Dr. Moha n’s On Wheels embody DMDSC’s dedica tion to advancing diabetes care, empo wering patients, and promoting indepe ndence. In line with World Diabetes Da ay 2024’s theme of expanding access to diabetes care for all, these initiatives aim to improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare disparities.

Through an approach that combines m edical excellence with compassionate care, Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre continues to set new standards in diabetes management and commun ity health.

About Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialties Centres: Dr. Mohan’s Diabe tes Specialities Centre is a one-of-a-ki nd diabetes speciality chain founded i n the year 1991 headquartered in Chen nai, Tamil Nadu. It is India’s leading di abetes care provider offering compre hensive services for diabetes patients. Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialties Centr es has 50 Diabetes centres and clinics in India and over 8 lakh patients with diabetes have been registered at these centres and more than 5.5 million cons ultations have been completed till date

The Gopalapuram (Chennai) centre is the flagship hospital. The centre specia lizes in Total Diabetes Care, Diabetes E ye Care, Diabetes Foot Care services, D iabetes Cardiac Care, Diabetes Dental Care, Preventive Care, Diet counse llin ng and Precision Diabetes care. Appoi ntments can be booked by calling 8939 110000 or visit: