Saturday, February 8


Upasana Kamineni Konidela, Vice Chair person

Upasana Kamineni Konidela, Vice Chair person

Upasana Kamineni Konidela, Vice Chai r person of Apollo Hospitals, Announces The Establishment of Mod el Anganwadi Centre To Ensure Better He althcare For Women and Children* *Upasana Kamineni Konidela, Vice Ch airperson of Apollo Hospitals, Announ ces Integrated Approach For Women a nd Child Health By Establishing Model Anga nwadi Centre at Pithapuram* In a fresh healthcare initiative, Upasa na Kamineni Konidela, Vice Chairpers on of Apollo Hospitals, recently annou nced th he establishment of Model Ang anwadi  Centre at Pithampur am on th e occassion of Chairman Dr. Prathap C Reddy's 9 3rd birthday. This new initia tive looks af ter empowering women a nd ensuring ch ildren's health, by impr oving sanitation, hygiene, and Nutritio n. It focuses on providing maternal and chil...
Unify to Notify’– Urges Government to Classify Cancer

Unify to Notify’– Urges Government to Classify Cancer

‘Unify to Notify’-- Urges Government to Classify Cancer a Notifiable Disease in India Apollo Cancer Centre, AROI, and TAMP OS come together with a unified voice to fight against cancer Chennai, 4th February 2025: Apollo Ca ncer Centres, in collaboration with Ass sociation of Radiation Oncologists of I ndia (AROI), TN Association of Surgica l Onco anthology (TASO), Tamil Nadu Medical and Pediatric Oncologist Soci ety (TAMPOS) launches a nationwide c ampaign--Unify to Notify--on World Ca ncer Day.  The campaign urges the Government o f India to classify cancer as a notifiab le disease, a much-needed critical step for combating the menace of the disea se. In addition, an interactive panel dis cussion on ‘Making Cancer a Notifiable Disease Nationally’ was organized, mo derated b y Dr....
Kauvery Hospital Hosts 6,500 Participants in the K10K

Kauvery Hospital Hosts 6,500 Participants in the K10K

Kauvery Hospital Hosts 6,500 Participa nts in the K10K Cancer Awareness Run the An Initiative to Promote Early Cancer D etection and Prevention Chennai, 2nd February 2025: In a rema rkable show of community support for ca ncer awareness, over 6,500 particip ants took part in the K10K Cancer Awa renes ess Run organized by Kauvery H ospital on Sunday, ahead of World Can cer Day on February 4th. The event to ok place a t the Olcott Memorial Highe er Secondary School in Besant Nagar, C hennai, and ai med to highlight the importance of early detection and pre evention of cancer. The run offered two categories: a 10 k m run and a 5 km run, attracting a wid e ran ge of individuals, including fitnes s enthu siasts, professional athletes, fa milies, st udents, and corporate profes si...
Kauvery Hospital Vadapalani awarded Gold

Kauvery Hospital Vadapalani awarded Gold

Kauvery Hospital Vadapalani awarded Gold Seal of Approval by Joint Commis sion International  Kauvery Hospital Vadapalani awarded  Gold Seal of Approval by Joint Commis sion International, World’s First Hospi tal to Achieve the Latest 8th Edition St andards  Chennai, 31st January 2025: Kauvery H ospital Vadapalani is thrilled to annou nce that it has received the esteemed J oint Commission International (JCI) ac credi tation, World’s First Hospital for earnin g ing the distinguished Gold Se al of Appr oval® for its firm resolve to wards patie nt safety, quality healthca are, and continuous improvement in medical practices. This accreditation recognizes the hosp i tal’s dedication to upholding the highest standards of care and operational excecellence, set ting it apart as one of the ...
Ready, Set, Raise: Countdown Begins fo r K10K

Ready, Set, Raise: Countdown Begins fo r K10K

Ready, Set, Raise: Countdown Begins fo r K10K Cancer Awareness Run The Grand Unveiling of the race Kit fo r K10K awareness run Chennai, 1st February 2025 – Lace up as Kauvery Hospital gears up to host the th ird edition of the K10K Run – A Cancer Awareness Run. Ahead to the main even t, Kauvery Hospital unvei led the race kit for K10K cancer aware ness run, an even nt dedicated to raisi ng awareness about cancer. Dr. A. N. Vaidhyswaran, Director and Se nior Consultant, Radiation Oncolo gist, Kauvery Hospital, Chennai inaugu rated the event, He shared his insights and su pport to this noble cause. Now in its thir d edition after a succe ssful run in last tw o year, this annual event is a rallying call to raise awaren ess abou t cancer and galvanize a colle ctive effort in t...
Apollo Proton Cancer Centre Successfully

Apollo Proton Cancer Centre Successfully

Apollo Proton Cancer Centre Successf ully Performs Indias  First Endoscopic Mastectomy With RC h ennaieconstruction Chennai, 27th January 2025 Apollo Prot on Cancer Centre (APCC), has achieved a significant milestone by performing I ndias first Endoscopic Mastectomy wit h Reconstruction on a 46-year-old brea st cancer patient. This revolutionary p rocecedure marks a new era in breast cancer treatment, combining effective cancer r emoval with new surgical inn ovation to ensure enhanced cosmetic outcomes and faster recovery. The patient, Ms. Ramya (name change d), a 46- year-old woman, faced one of the most challenging moments of her life w hen she was diagnosed with ear ly breast cancer. The diagnosis broug ght a whirl wind of emotions fear and uncertainty  ab out her future, ...
Apollo Hospitals Inaugurated Its 3rd Cancer Centre in Chennai

Apollo Hospitals Inaugurated Its 3rd Cancer Centre in Chennai

Apollo Hospitals Inaugurated Its 3rd Cancer Centre in Chennai at Vanagram The Centre at Vanagram is equipped w ith Tamil Nadu’s First Elekta Harmony Pro Chennai, 29th January, 2025 – Apollo H ospitals proudly inaugurated its third ca ncer centre in Chennai. This compr ehensive cancer centre at Vanagaram was inaugurated by Mr. Ma. Subrama nian, Hon 'ble Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu, and M s. Supriya Sahu IAS, Addi tional Chief Secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu alo ong with Dr. Pratha p C Reddy, Founder & Chairman, Apoll o Hospitals Enterpris e Ltd (AHEL), Dr. Preetha Reddy, Vice Chairperson, AHE L, and Ms. Suneeta Reddy, Managing Director, AHEL. Mr. Ma. Subramanian, Hon'ble Ministe r for Health...
Gleneagles Hospital Chennai Performs Landmark Surgery for Rare Eyelid Disorder

Gleneagles Hospital Chennai Performs Landmark Surgery for Rare Eyelid Disorder

Gleneagles Hospital Chennai Performs Landmark Surgery for Rare Eyelid Disorder, Restores Patient's Life After Four-Year Struggle Chennai, 22nd January 2025: Gleneagles Hospital Chennai has achieved a groundbreaking medical milestone by performing a complex surgical procedure to treat one of the rarest eye disorders in the world—Benign Essential Blepharospasm (BEB)—compounded by the even rarer Apraxia of Eyelid Opening (ALO). This unique surgery was performed by Dr. Ravindra Mohan, renowned Oculoplastic Surgeon at Gleneagles Hospital Chennai. The surgery has transformed the life of a retired Indian Forest Service officer from Jaipur after four years of immense struggle and despair. The patient’s routine life had become a relentless challenge. Once an athletic and active indi...
Advanced Urogynaecology Department Opens

Advanced Urogynaecology Department Opens

Advanced Urogynaecology Departmen t Opens at Saveetha Medical College f or Treating Female Pelvic Disorders ● While only one in ten adult women has diabetes, and one in three has hy pertension, one in two suffers from p elvic floor dysfunction ● It will offer advanced diagnostics an nd comprehensive care, including con nservative non-surgical therapies and minimally invasive surgical procedure s, for these conditions. Chennai, January 20 2025 Saveetha Medical College and Hospital (SMCH), a part of Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMA TS), has inaugurated a state-of-the-art Department of Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (Urogyaec ology), fully equipped to offer compre ehensive surgical and non-surgical car e for women with pelvic floor diso...
Prashanth Hospital’s 3rd Corporate Cricket Tournament

Prashanth Hospital’s 3rd Corporate Cricket Tournament

Prashanth Hospital’s 3rd Corporate Cr icket Tournament to Drive Cardiac He alth Awareness in the Professional co mmunity  -The winning team will take home an i mpressive cash prize of ₹50,000, whi le the runner-up will be rewarded with ₹2 5,0000. Chennai, January ,2025:Marking yet an other milestone in promoting wellness a nd camaraderie, Prashanth Hospitals ,a leading multi-specialty hospital in C hennai, is thrilled to unveil the 3rd edi tion o f its much-awaited Corporate Cr icket Tournament - 2025 (CCT 2025). This vibrant initiative, aimed at prom oting cardi ac health, is set to make wa ves within th e corporate sector while championing it s renowned ‘Save Youn g Hearts Campai gn’. Focused on raisin g awareness about heart health amon ng young professionals ,the tourname nt ...