Upasana Kamineni Konidela, Vice Chair person
Upasana Kamineni Konidela, Vice Chai r person of Apollo Hospitals,
Announces The Establishment of Mod el Anganwadi Centre To Ensure Better He althcare For Women and Children*
*Upasana Kamineni Konidela, Vice Ch airperson of Apollo Hospitals, Announ ces Integrated Approach For Women a nd Child Health By Establishing Model Anga nwadi Centre at Pithapuram*
In a fresh healthcare initiative, Upasa na Kamineni Konidela, Vice Chairpers on of Apollo Hospitals, recently annou nced th he establishment of Model Ang anwadi Centre at Pithampur am on th e occassion of Chairman Dr. Prathap C Reddy's 9 3rd birthday. This new initia tive looks af ter empowering women a nd ensuring ch ildren's health, by impr oving sanitation, hygiene, and Nutritio n.
It focuses on providing maternal and chil...