Kalyan Jewellers records PAT of Rs. 30 8 crore in H1FY25
The company recorded consolidated revenue of Rs. 11,601 crore in H1 FY25 as against Rs. 8,790 crore in the corresponding period of the previous year, a growth of 32%.
Consolidated PAT for H1 FY25 was Rs. 3 08 crore as against a PAT of Rs. 278 cro re for the corresponding period in the previous year. Consolidated revenue and PAT for Q2 FY25 was Rs. 6,065 Cr a nd Rs.130 Cr respectively.
There was a one-time loss of Rs. 69 Cr due to reduction in customs duty in In dia during Q2 FY25.
The standalone revenue for the compa ny (India) in H1 FY25, was Rs. 9,914 cro re, as against Rs. 7,395 crore in H1 of th e previous financial year, a growth of over 34%. The India operations record ed PAT of Rs. 285 crore for the first ha lf compared to a PAT of Rs 254 crore fo r the corresponding period in the prev ious year. Standalone revenue and PAT for Q2 FY25 was Rs. 5,227 Cr and Rs. 12 0 Cr respectively.
Total revenue from the Middle East op erations during H1 FY25 was Rs. 1,611 crore as against Rs. 1,329 crore in H1 o f the previous financial year, a growth of over 21%. The Middle East operation ns recorded PAT of Rs. 33 crore for the first half compared to a PAT of Rs. 29 crore for the corresponding period in the previous year. Revenue and PAT f or Q2 FY25 was Rs. 800 Cr and Rs. 14 Cr respectively.
The e-commerce division, Candere, rec orded a revenue of Rs. 80 crore in H1 F Y25 versus Rs. 66 crore in H1 FY24. The company recorded a loss of Rs. 6 crore in H1 FY25 versus a loss of Rs. 4.8 Cr d uring H1 FY24. Revenue and net loss f or Q2 FY25 was Rs. 41 Cr and Rs. 3.8 Cr respectively.
Mr Ramesh Kalyanaraman, Executive Director, Kalyan Jewellers India Limit ed said, “We are extremely excitedy wi th the way the current year has progre ssed thus far, despite volatile gold pric es and the ongoing quarter is also witn esnsing robust footfalls. We recorded SSSG in excess of 20% for the Diwali m inus 30 days period when compared to the base year. We are upbeat about the ongoing wedding season across the co untry and hope to end the calendar y ear on a very strong note.”