Chennai to Host 27th Edition of Global Cyber Security Summit – AVAR 2024
● Themed ‘The Battle for Cyber Supre macy’ the summit will witness over 50 renowned Cyber Security Experts fro m across the world, speaking at over 40 engaging sessions
● Returning to India after six years, th e prestigious conference is scheduled to take place from December 4 to 6, 20 24.
Chennai, 29th November 2024: Chenn ai is all set to take center stage in cyb er security with AVAR 2024, the 27th E dition of AVAR’s Global Cybersecurity Summits, scheduled to take place from 4th December to 6th December 2024. O rganized by the Association of anti Vir us Asia Researchers (AVAR), the theme for this year is “The Battle for Cyber S upremacy” which aligns with the cou ntry’s emergence as a leader in the bat tle against cyber threats. The summit will bring together 250+ global delega gates, including CXOs, regulators, and law enforcement officials, and 50+ ren owned speakers, and host 40+ engaging sessions.
AVAR 2024 includes sessions for resear chers that will highlight breakthrough in cyber threat analysis, and CISO pan el discussions that focus on perspectiv es from cyber security leaders. The co nference also includes CISO Connect, a workshop for CISOs that enables them to meet the expectations of the board and other enterprise stakeholders. The summit will also honor exception al cyber security leaders from the regi on with the CISO Awards that are pres ented in 5 categories to recognize imp actful contributions across the enterp rise spectrum. With India’s rapidly gro wing cybersecurity market projected t o reach $10.90 billion by 2029, the nati on’s hosting of AVAR 2024 underscores its critical role in shaping the future of global cyber resilience. This milestone is credited to the efforts of Mr. Kesava rdhanan J, Founder & CEO of K7 Comp uting and CEO of AVAR, whose instrum ental leadership has brought the confe rence back to India after six years, rei nforcing the country’s position as a reg ional cyber security powerhouse.
Commenting on the conference, Mr. Ke savardhanan J, CEO of AVAR and Foun der & CEO of K7 Computing, said “As w e bring the 27th edition of AVAR’s glob al summits back to India, it is a proud moment for the entire cyber security community. With the theme ‘The Battl e for Cyber Supremacy,’ this year’s su mmit will address the most pressing i ssues in the cyber threat landscape, fr om generative AI to supply chain vuln erabilities. The discussions and intera actions at AVAR 2024 will have a direct impact on the lives of everyday people by strengthening global cyber security measures. By addressing emerging thr eats and improving digital defenses, w e aim to create a safer online environ ment for all, ensuring that individuals can trust the digital platforms they re ly on every day. We look forward to en gaging in thought-provoking discussio ons that will shape the future of our di igital world.”
AVAR will provide a platform for glob al experts to address critical challeng es posed by generative AI, supply cha in attacks, and other emerging threats. The event will host esteemed speakers like Lt. General (Dr.) Rajesh Pant, For mer National Cyber Security Coordin ator, Government of India and Chairm an – Cyber Security Association of Ind ia; Mr. Kumar Jayant IAS, Additional C hief Secretary, Information Technolog gy and Digital Services Department, G overnment of Tamil Nadu; Mr. Anujh Tewari, Chief Security Advisor, India & South Asia, Microsoft; Dr. Debabrata N ayak, Director, PwC; and Mr. Igor Kuzn etsov, Director, Global Research and A nalysis Team, Kaspersky, engaging in t hought-provoking discussions and pro viding actionable insights aimed at sha ping strategies that safeguard humani nity’s digital future.
AVAR 2024 is supported by organizatio ns that are passionate about securing the digital world. The conference is sp onsored by ESET, The Cyber Threat All iance, ManageEngine, Kaspersky, AV-C omparatives, Ankercloud, Axidian, SE Labs, K7 Security, Clean Software Allia nce, Gen Digital, FlashM, and SKD Lab s. Delegates can register for the confer ence .
About AVAR – AVAR (the Association of anti Virus Asia Researchers) was form ed in June 1998 with a mission to preve nt the spread of malware and the dam age caused by it. AVAR aims to do this by developing cooperative relationshi ps among cyber threat experts in Asia. AVAR is an independent and non-profit organization which focuses on the Asia Pacific region and consists of promine nt experts from 17 territories includin g Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Is rael, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Singap ore, Taiwan, UK, and the USA.