Rajasthani Association Tamilnadu Launches
Rajasthani Association Tamilnadu Lau nches
Rajasthani Association Tamilnad Laun ches Prestigious ‘Rajasthani-Tamil Sev a Awards’ to Celebrate
Contributions to Tamilnadu’s Growth Open to individuals and organizations ma king significant contributions to Ta milnadu’s welfare and progress Each a ward includes a cash prize of INR 2 lak h, a trophy, and a citation.
Chennai, 21st December 2024: The Raja sthani Association Tamilnadu (the Ass ociation), a distinguished organization dev o voted to social service and cultur al integration, proudly announces the launch of its Rajasthani-Tamil Seva Aw ards. The inaugural ceremony, held to day in Chen nai, was honored by the pr esence of Ho n’ble Justice Mr. C. Sarav anan of the Hig h Court of Madras and Shri Shantilal Ja...