Thursday, January 23



Chennai, 24 December 2024: Phoenix M arketcity and Palladium Chennai host ed the inaugural edition of PAX INDIA – PAX CHENNAI 2024 .

The biggest Anime and Cosplay Festiv al of the year. Musical performances, quizz es and Cosplay events marked t he two-d ay event which transformed the atrium i nto a stage zone. Organise d by AniSync – India’s largest platform for official Ani me Merchandise – PAX CHENNAI 2024 had official Anime mer chandise and IP, special industry pane ls and a massive Co splay festival.

PAX CHENNAI 2024 had six different z ones – Stage Zone, Gaming Zone, Cultu re Zone, Movie Zone, Workshop Zone, a nd the Dungeons & Dragons Zone – a nd the Anime and Cosplay communitie s in Chennai had a blast.

The Stage Zone featured a special indu stry panel on the Japanese to Tamil du bbing process of the hit anime of the s eason, Dandadan by Sai Sujith (Okaru n), Rith ik (Writer) and Akshaya (Mom o). The Co splay Ramp Walk and Conte sts featured a prize pool of over ₹1,00 000, with spe cial music performances by music band Dot Wav led by Sundhe ep. The Anime Quiz was conducted by popular quizmaster Abhideep AKA  Di psydoodles, the Chennai Secretary of the Asia Culture Club.

The Gaming Zone featured the Indian Fighting Game Community, board gam ming cafes Zolives and The Board Roo m, Raci ing Wheels by Logitech and A MD PC Bui ld Masters. A special appea rance was m ade by Steven Medway, th he creator of th e hit social game Blood on the Clock To wer.

The Culture Zone featured Japanese G ames by the Asia Culture Club, Bento Showcases by Lakshmi Ravikumar, Ori gami Showcases by ArtbyBala, a Voice Synthe siser by India 39 and the Tea Meditation Workshop by Yashi’s Tea Tavern.

The Movie Zone at PVR INOX Pictures L UXE featured a retrospective poster dis play of all Anime films released in Chenn ai in 2024, created by the variou s Anime communities in India led by t he Chennai Anime Club. Ravan Forge exhibited ani matronics and cosplay d isplays, while t he Chennai Anime Club hosted a Cospla y Prop Shelf available to the public for p hotography.

The D&D Zone featured expert worksh ops from all over India. Arvindh Sund ar a nd Sashank Bhat, expert Dungeon Mast ers from Bengaluru, conducted a series of sessions, workshops and semi nars, ho sted by Arjun of the Chennai Anime Club, featuring local Dungeon Masters Tha ra, Kevin, Gokul, Eshwar.

The Workshop Zone featured 4 expert cosplay workshops by invited cosplay ers – FOAM COSPLAY WORKSHOP by R EAPERSAM AKA Sameer Shaikh from Mumbai, STITCHING WORKSHOP by P UR PLEPAW AKA Tejal Mulik from Mu mbai, MAKEUP WORKSHOP by KIKU A RTS & KRAFTS AKA Ankita Kemkar fro m Beng aluru and PAINTING AND VFX WORKS SHOP by REDEMPTION PROPS AKA Rohit Kailashiya from Bengaluru.

There was also a Manga Workshop hos ted by Ananth Maruthi and G8 of Studi o Kapi, veterans of Indian manga publi shing. The mascot for the event, Hino Apex, with a Phoenix motif, was desig ned by S tudio Kapi. Hino was seen in various ava tars throughout the venue , including at the Mini Stage Powered By Ibaco, wher e community events we re conducted by Community Partners Chennai Anime Cl Club, Asia Culture C lub, Zolives, Indian Fighting Game Co munity, SSBIndia, Ot aku Nadu, Coimb atore.

Anime Club, India 39, Bengaluru Anim e Club, Hyderabad Anime Club, Vijaya wada Anime Club, Euphomania Kolkat a, House of Bengali Otakus, Animefanc club Patna and Gujarat Anime Club b.P AX ChennI2024 was conducted by AniS ync in association with Phoenix Marke tcity an d Palladium as the Venue Part ner, Powe hre d by Ibaco.

About Phoenix Marketcity:
A premier destination for luxury lifest yle, it provides guests with a variety of op ulent options. Phoenix continues to be “The” destination for the most afflu ent a nd sophisticated residents of the city as well as expats thanks to its trul y interna tional appearance and feel, elegantly de corated interiors, and the best of food, f ashion, and entertainm ent from across the world. The mall provides Chennai wi th the most exten sive and appealing life style shopping experience. The stores re present a co mprehensive mix of interna tional, nat ional, and regional luxury brands. Pho enix Marketcity in Chennai is more th an simply a mall; it’s a confluence of fa scinating cultures, lovely clothes, a nd high-end couture. A city within a city, i n an urban setting with coexisting sho p ping,entertainment, and leisure opti ons.

About is India’s leading platfor m for anime fan activities and merch andisse. With a focus on official IP, coll aborati on with international compani es, and fo stering the anime industry a nd fan com m munities in India, Anisy nc brings the best in anime fan activit ities directly to fa ns across the countr ry.