Thursday, January 23

Max Tamil Movie Review

Max Tamil Movie Review


Baadshah Kichcha Sudeep’s,Vamsi Kri shna , Aadukalam Naren , Pramod She tty , Redin Kingsley, Ilavarasu , Anirud hBhat , Ugramm Manju , Kamaraju Kar an Arya and others .


Banner: V Creations & Kichcha Creatii ons, Director: Vijay Kartikeyaa, DOP: S hekar Chandra, Music Director: B Ajan eesh Loknath, Production Designer: Sh ivaK umar J, Editor: SR Ganesh Baabu, Execut ive Producer: M T Sriram, Prod uction C ontroller: A Ilan kumaran, Pr oduction E xecutive: N Mahendran, Ch ampakadam a Babu KS , Costume Desi gner: Bharath Sagar, Costumer: Perum al selvam, Make – up: Nellai V.Shanmu gam, Sound Mix: T Uday Kumar (Knack Studios), Sound Des ign: T Uday Kumar , Ranjith Venugopal, M Saravana Kuma r (Sound Vibe), DI: Kn ack Studios, Mix ed :Sajay Kumar MP , Colorist: Prasath Somasekar , VFX: Ajax, K nack Studios, Five FX, Stills: Imran, Desig ns: Pavan, Reddot Designz , PRO: Riaz K Ahmed, Promotions: KRG Connects,etc .

Story -:

A thrilling screenplay can be created b y a director team in a room. But if the aud ience wants to feel the thrill on pa per, th en the editing and cinematogra phy have to join hands and perform a visual magic . This is a film that joins h ands and perfo rms a visual magic and makes the direct or’s dream come tru e. ‘

They fight and die. Inspector Arjun an d the other constables try to hide the b odies of the dead, fearing that if this m atter gets out, the Don’s brother will th ink tha t we killed them both and will destroy o ur police station and us. Don’ s brother,w ho suspects that Arjun has done someth ing to his brothers, tries t o attack the po lice station with his big gest henchmen. I n the meantime, he s ends a woman nam med Rupa to the p olice station to spy. R upa comes to the station and informs t hat the brothers are in danger. What did Don do? Vijay Karthikeya has given a m ass action th riller to see if the policemen escaped.

Watch The Video-:

Movie Review -:

Generally, action thriller films do not ha ve as much thrill as action. But in M ax, both thrill and action are mixed in the rig ht proportion and give a great action thriller experience. When the fi lm builds u p about Sudeep in the first scene, it is no t just a buildup as you th ink, but in the t hird scene, the film go es into top gear an d the pace does not slow down througho ut. But while watc hing the film, at some places, scenes fr om Lokesh Kanagaraj’s Kaithi and Vikr am 2 come to mind.

Cinematography by Shekhar Chandra se khar and editing by S.R. Ganesh Bab u  play a very important role in bringi ing the story that happens one night to us properly. Music by Ajaneesh Lokna th is a plus point. However, the soundt rack by Uda y Kumar is a bit too noisy.

Although many actors have acted in t he film, it is Sudeep and Ilavarasu who hold the film together with their actin g. Sude ep has created a feast of mass, action, an d intelligence. He has acted well with vo ice modulation on his tigh t face. Ilavarasu has acted very realist ically as Ettaiyya. His acting in one sce ne brings tears to o ur eyes. Many scen es like hiding the bod ies and chasing make us sit on the edge  of our seats. Those who are interested in watching a good action thriller film can freely w atch the film Max which was released in Sandhana Desam Karnataka 

This Is My Personal Review So Please G o and Watch This Movie In Theatres O nly .

Written by CNN Online Media Admin Ratting CNN Online Media 4 / 5.