Game Changer Tamil Movie Review
Ram Charan, Kiara Advani, Anjali, Sa muthirakani, S J Surya, Srikanth, Suni l, Jayaram, Naveen Chandra, Vennala Kishore , Vijaya Krishna Naresh, Brah manandam , Rajeev Kanakala, Raghu Babu, Priyadar shi Pulikonda, Satya A kkala, Venkatesh Kakumanu, Chaitany a Krishna, VivaHarsha, Sudharshan, P rudhvi Raj, Rocket Raghava, Praveena etc.
Director – S. Shankar Pro ducers – Raju, Shirish, Zee Studios Tamil Producers: SV C – Adityaram Writer – Vivek Story Line – Karthik Subbaraj Co-Producer – Harsh ith DOP – S Thirunavukkarasu Music – T haman S Dialogues – Sai Mad hav Burra (Telugu), Vivek (Tamil), Raj endra Sapre (Hindi) Executive Produc er: SK Zabeer L ine Producer – Narasim harao N Art Dire ctor – Avinash Kolla Action Choreograp her – Anbariv Dan ce Choreographers – P rabhudeva, Gan esh Acharya, Prem Raks hith, Bosco Le slie Martis, Jani, Sandy Lyr ricists – Ra majogaiah Sastry, Ananta Sriram, Kas arla Shyam Editor – Shameer Muham med, Antony Ruben Sound Designe r – T Uday Kumar DI: Annapurna Studios Colorist: Ashwath S Visual Effects Sup er visor: Srinivas Mohan North PR: Co mmunique Film PR (Sharlene Batlival a, Alpa Turakhia) South PR: Surendra Kumar Na idu – Phani Kandukuri (Beyo nd Media), S athish ( AIM) Marketing: Marketing Dire ctor Varun Gupta ( Ma x Marketing), Tick etFactory (Akhilesh Vardhan, Suneeth P adolkar), Zee Stu dios Team, Saregama T eam Hindi Dis tribution By: AA Films Overseas By: P hars Film Co. LLC North Am erica By: Shloka Entertainments Label: Sarega ma India Limited, A RPSG Group Com pany P R O : Sathish AIM Siva and Oth ers.
Ram Nandan (Ram Charan) takes over a s the Collector of Visakhapatnam Dis trirct in Andhra Pradesh. He confronts Mi nister Mobidevi (SJ Surya), the son of th e ruling party’s chief minister, in a missio n to clear out criminals from his district. In this case, Parvati (Anja li), who was att ending a public meeti ng with Andhra Ch ief Minister Sathya murthy (Sri Kanth), d ied of a heart at tack. What is in that vid eo, what is the flashback between Anjali and Sathyam urthy, and whether Ram N andan won over Mobidevi is the story of ‘Game changer.
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Movie Review -:
For Shankar, every political story is li ke eating alwa, but he has struggled to prov himself as the king of politics ag ain wit h the game changer to slide in that politi cal field in Indian 2.Yes ,I h ave to say that he has struggled. Ram Charan has done a smart look as an IA S officer, and it is Ram Charan who ca rries the entire film, and in the flash b ack character of father Ram Charan, Diku Vaibrings his hardship s before our eyes. In addition, the game chang er is an important role in Ram Charan ‘s career as the action in which son R am Charan comes as an Election Com mission officer in the second half.
A Kiara Shankar film means that the her oine has little importance, in this one she doesn’t have that, she just comes and goes as a beauty and nods to the songs.As the villain, SJ Suriya im personates the old Shankar villain Ra ghuvaran throughout the film and tur ns himself into Raghuv aran in the sce ne where he places the pa lm in the cli max. But, SJ Suriya must change his bo dy language from this film, if this conti nues, fans will get bored.
Although the first half of the film goes at a good pace, Ram Charan’s romance with Kalesh Poshan Kiara comes as a drag o n the film. The flashback in the second h alf is typical Shankar style,bu t this time the masala is much more, a nd it is a bit li ke Ramcharan starrer R angasthalam flashback scenes. RamCh aran Bhhosanmthe Election Commissi oner, again picks up the pace of the fil m, specilly in the climax, the scene w here the ele ction counting-guy SJ Sur ya comes to st op him has such a scene even in this digit al world, and one wo nders whether it is a Shankar film or a Balayya film. the cinematography of th e film has sho wn a huge crowd, sets a nd everything beautifully. Thaman’s music Jarugandi’s song is brilliant, bto h have a vintage Shankar touch. Back ground music could be a little less nois y.
In the first half of the film, Ram Chara n carries the entire film. The manner in whi ch the Election Commissioner conveyed the importance to the peopl e.90s Time screenplay. Logical transgr essions.All in all a game changer Shan kar’s take on Andhra Meals, but less s picy.
This Is My Personal Review So Please go and Watch The Movie in Theaters Only
Written by CNN Online Media Admin Ratting CNN Online Media 3 / 5