Kudumbasthan will be a laughter feast and enjoyable stress buster” – Director R ajeshwar Kalisamy .
Actor Manikandan, who is riding high on the success of back-to-back films:
Good Night and Lover, is gearing up f or his hat-trick spell as his much-awa ited kudumbasthan’ is all set for the w orld wide theatrical release on Januar y 24, 202 5. The film’s director shares h is notes on creating this project.
Director Rajeshwar Kalisamy says, “The concept of Kudumbasthan was in triguin g to me personally from the out set. Late r, Prasanna Balachandran an d I began working on the screenwritti ng and dialog ues, which we found enj oyable.
The eve nts depicted in Kudumbasthan will reso nate with contemporary aude nces. Fam ily life is a blissful experien ce that come s with responsibility. This stor y revolves around our protagon is t’s encounters aft ter marriage, narrat ed with humor and entertainment. Ma nikandan has quickly become a belove d figure as the boy-ne xt-door, captiva ting audienc es with his authentic and compelling per formances in films.. Sig nificantly, such a n image has helped t his character achieve 100% perfection. . The entire team has delivered an outs tanding contribution towards the proj ect, and my heartiest thanks to produc er Vinoth Kumar, for enc ouraging and materializing this film. Kudumbasthan will be a laughter feast and enjoyable stress buster.”
Kudumbasthan is produced by S. Vinot h Kumar of Cinema kaaran and featur es musical score by Vaisagh. While Ma nikan dan and SaanveMegghana are pl aying t he lead roles, Guru Somasunda ram is es saying a pivotal character in this movie alongside, R.Sundarrajan, P rasanna Ba lachandran, and Jenson D hivakar.