Friday, February 7

Bharathiraja-Natti-Rio Raj-Sandhi-The shooting of the film

Bharathiraja-Natti-Rio Raj-Sandhi-The shooting of the film ‘Parni Dhanim Mu nal lcompleted*

The team of the film has released an e xclusive video and excitedly announc ed that the shooting of the movie ‘Kar tu Danyam Munal’,

Starring director and actor Bharathira ja, cinematographer and actor Natti al ias Natraj, rising young star actor Ryo Raj and choreographer and actor Sand y Master, has been completed.

Directed by debutant Prito JB, the mov vie ‘Kartu Dhanim Munal’ stars Bharat hiraja, Natti Alias Natraj, Ryo Raj, Sa n dy Master, Viji Chandrasekhar, Lovely Chandrasekhar, Nivas Adhithan, Salm a, Suresh Menon, ‘Adukulam’ Naren, M aim Gopi, Vadikukarasi, Vignesh Kanth , Rishika nth, Kanika, Adira, Kavya Ind umani, Tuls i, Ira Krishnan, Lizzy Anto ny, Namo Nara yanan, Suresh Chakrab orty, Egan, Vijith, Jeeva Seneca, Dindig ul Saravanan, Balaj i Dayalan and othe ers have acted. Yogi Ba bu has played the lead role with them. Dev Prakash has composed the music for this film, which has cinematography by Mallika Arjun and Manikanda Raja. Ram Dine esh-Subender-three are working as art directors and Tamilarasan has handle d the editing work of this movie. This Hyperlink style movie is jointly produ ced by Signature Productions and GS Cine ma International.

The film has emerged as a commercial film that emotionally describes the ne ed f or relationships in our lives as fou r types of life – four stories – a point th at connects them. The story of the film takes place in four different locations namely Mumbai – Velankanni – Chenna i – Tiruthani. In this case, they have rel eased a special vi deo saying that the s hooting of the film has been completed . This video has crea ted an expectatio n that the quality of the film will be in ternational.

Following this, the post-shooting tech nical work has started. The film crew has a lso said that the trailer of the fil m will be released soon.

Bharathiraja-Natti-Ryo Raj-Sandhi Mas ter- has come together in a unique stor y -telling style called ‘The World of Cha nging Colors’.