Thursday, January 23

Chennai’s first Retroperitoneal Robot-assisted Partial Nephrectomy

Chennai’s first Retroperitoneal Robot-assisted Partial Nephrectomy

The complex procedure was perfotme d on a 40-year-old patient from Bangla desh who had a 5cm long tumour loca ted near the kidney’s

Chennai, January 9, 2025: Apollo Prot on Cancer Centre (APCC), successfully performs Chennai’s first Retrope rito oneal Robot-assisted Partial Nephrec tomy (RRAPN), showcasing its commit ment to advancing minimally invasive surgical techniques.

The complex procedure was perform ed on a 40-year-old patient from Bang ladesh who had a 5cm long tumour lo cated near the kidney’s major blood v essels – a challenging position that ma de the surgery particularly intricate.

Benefits of the Retroperitoneal Appro ach:

Reduced Risk of Complications: Avoiding the abdominal cavity minimi zed risks involving bowel or other vit al structures.

Kidney Preservation: The procedure sa ved the kidney, preventing long-term health challenges associated with a si ngle kidney.

Faster Recovery: The patient was disc harged within 48 hours and resumed normal activities in just a week.

Previously evaluated at multiple hospi tals in Bangladesh, he was advised to u ndergo a radical nephrectomy—comp lete removal of the kidney. Traditional recommendations for such cases often involve a radical nephrectomy (comp lete kidney removal). However, the te am at APCC pursued an approach, uti lizing robotic assistance to remove the tumour while preserving the patient’s kidney.

The innovative surgery not only prese rved the kidney but also minimized s urgical risks and ensured faster reco very. APCC’s skilled team of surgeons leveraged advanced robotic technolo gy through a retroperitoneal approac h, avoiding the abdominal cavity. The patient experienced minimal postoper ative complications and was able to re sume normal activities within days.

This achievement highlights APCC’s e xpertise and leadership in delivering exceptional care, offering renewed h ope to patients with complex renal tu mours.

Explaining the approach, Dr N Ragav an, Senior Consultant, Uro-Oncology a nd Robotic Surgery, APCC and Dr Mad hav Tiwari, Consultant-robotic Surge ry, APCC, said: “This particular case w as challenging due to the tumour’s loc ation and associated risks, and it requi red exceptional precision and team wo rk, as the smaller operating space dem ands highly skilled and synchronized efforts. By utilizing the properties neal robotic technique, we accessed the kid ney directly from the back, bypassing the abdominal cavity entirely. This ap proach minimized surgical risks, pre serving the kidney’s function, and ena abled a swift recovery. This milestone sets a new benchmark for kidney surg eries in the region, showcasing our co mmitment to redefining standards in advanced medical care.” Apollo Proton Cancer Centre Sets a New Benchmark in Renal Surgery with RRAPN procedu dure.

Mr. Harshad Reddy, Director – Group Oncology & International, Apollo Hos pitals Enterprises Limited, stated “Ap ollo Hospitals has been a leader in rob otic surgery, recognized as India’s lar gest multispecialty program in this fie ld. This kidney-saving procedure show cases our commitment to combining a dvanced technology with innovative, p atient-specific approaches. By combin ing precision, expertise, and patient-specific strategies, we ensure quicker recoveries, minimal complications, an nd an improved quality of life. This mi lestone highlights our dedication to re defining healthcare standards and enh ancing the lives of patients through co ntinuous innovation and expertise.”

Sharing his experience, the patient sa id, “I was worried about losing my kid ney and the long recovery time. The do ctors at APCC explained everything cl early and assured me of the best poss ible outcome. I am amazed at this adva nced treatment and how quickly I reco vered & returned to my daily life.”

At Apollo Proton Cancer Centre, the co mmitment towards advancing cancer care is underscored with the latest tec hnology and pioneer in innovative me dical approaches, reinforcing its posit ion as a leader in healthcare. This firs t-of-its-kind surgery in Tamil Nadu hig hlights the centre’s ongoing commitme nt to bringing world-class healthcare to the patients and setting a new benc hmark in cancer care.