Friday, February 7

Cuban Film Festival 2024 Celebrating the Essence of Cuban Cinema in Chennai*

Cuban Film Festival 2024 Celebrating the Essence of Cuban Cinema in Chen nai*

Chennai, November 14, 2024 — Indo Ci ne Appreciation Foundation (ICAF’s),

Chennai International Film Festival (C IFF) monthly edition in collaboration tion with the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in India, is proud to present t he Cuban Film Festival 2024, a disting uished cinematic journey into the rich cultural tapestry of Cuba. This special three-day event will take place from t he 15th to 17th of November, 2024 at t he AVM Auditorium, Avichi College of Arts and Science, Chennai, showcasing Cuba’s vibrant film heritage to Indian audiences.

The Cuban Film Festival promises to b e an unforgettable experience, invitin ng cinephiles and cultural enthusiasts alike to immerse themselves in a sele ction of highly acclaimed Cuban films. The festival will run daily from 3:00 P M to 6:00 PM, opening a unique windo w into Cuban storytelling, social persp ectives, and the artistry that has distin guished Cuban cinema on the global st age.

The festival will be inaugurated by the esteemed Chief Guest, Shri S. Vijayaku mar, IFS, Regional Passport Officer, He ad of MEA Branch Secretariat, Chenn ai. Shri Vijayakumar’s presence will u ndoubtedly add to the prestige of the o ccasion as he will be honored by Mr. S ivan Kanna, President of the ICAF. The inaugural film, Contigo Pan y Cebolla, will be screened following the inaugur uation ceremony on the 15th of Novem ber, 2024.

Each day, a thoughtfully curated select ion of Cuban films will be presented, al lowing audiences to delve into diverse stories that resonate with the universa l themes of resilience, love, freedom, a nd identity.

The festival lineup is as follows:

Day 1 (Nov 15): Contigo Pan y Cebolla – This beloved Cuban film paints a viv id portrayal of familial bonds and the simplicity of life, infused with Cuban warmth and humor.
• Day 2 (Nov 16): Viva Cuba and The M ajor – Viva Cuba, a beautiful story of childhood friendship set against a ba ckdrop of familial strife, followed by The Major, a film that brings to light the heroism and courage of those who stand against adversity.
• Day 3 (Nov 17): Innocence and The E ye of the Canary – A closing program that delves deep into Cuban history a nd society, Innocence is a moving ex ploration of young minds seeking fr e edom, while The Eye of the Canary pr esents a powerful account of Cuba’s co mplex past through the eyes of a youn g José Martí.

The Cuban Film Festival 2024 offers a r are opportunity for attendees to enga ge with Cuban culture through the len s of film, fostering cross-cultural appre ciation and artistic exchange.

This unique festival is part of the Chen nai International Film Festival’s contin ued commitment to bringing world cin ema to Chennai, with each film carefu lly chosen to offer audiences a genuine and immersive experience of Cuban lif e and values.

Event Details:

Date: 15th, 16th, and 17th of November, 2024
• Time: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM on all three days
• Venue: AVM Auditorium, Avichi College of Arts and Science, 130A, Arcot Road, Virugambakkam, Chennai – 600092