Wednesday, January 15

Dr. Mehta’s Hospitals to Conduct One Day Free Thyroid Screening Camp

Dr. Mehta’s Hospitals to Conduct One Day Free Thyroid Screening Camp

~ Thyroid Screening Camp to be held at Dr Mehta’s Hospital Global Campus, Velappanchavadi, Chennai on July 13th, 2024~

Chennai, July 10th, 2024: Dr. Mehta’s Hospi tals – Global Campus will conduct a one-day free Thyroid Screening Camp on July 13, 2024, to promote a healthier community and address the increasing prevalence of th yroid problems. This initiative aims to raise awareness about thyroid health and provide accessible diagn ostic services to the com munity. Facilitatin g early detection through comprehensive thyroid functional tests at 50% off – (FT3, FT4, & TSH), along with free expert advice from the specialized medical team on inte rpreting results.

“Thyroid problems are increasingly comm on, affecting metabolism. However, they of ten present with subtle symptoms or are mi staken for other conditions and may even go unnoticed. Early detection is key to effe ctive management to prevent complica tio ns,

says Dr. Rose Raichel, Consultant Internal Medicine Physician at Dr. Mehta’s Hospita ls. Feeling extremely tired, unexplained or sudden weight loss/gain, dry skin, hair loss, faster or slower heart rate than usual, and heavy or irregular menstrual cycles (for wo men) are the common symptoms of thyroi d” added, Dr Rose Raichel.

Dr. Jose Chellan, Head Clinical Operations of Dr. Mehta’s Hospitals, emphasized that individuals susceptible to thyroid problems, such as those with a family history of thyroi d issues, type 1 diabetes, should undergo thyroid functional tests to assess their thyr oid health, whether they exhibit symptoms.

For more information about the Health Cam p and to register, please contact 98400 813 26