Indus Towers Bridging the Digital Gap, Furt hering ESG Agenda
>60% of the total tower installed in FY24 are in rural India; 14,000+ sites solar powered within a year
All rural sites installed in Rajasthan during FY24 are solar powered
New Delhi, 10 July 2024: In-line with the Go vernment of India’s vision to bridge the digi tal divide and empower rural communities through enhanced connectivity, Indus Tow ers Limited, India’s leading provider of pass ive telecom infrastructure, has installed mo re than 60% of its total addition of towers in rural India in FY24.
Dinesh Arora, Director – Projects, Indus Tow ers said, “We are proud to contribute towa rds our Honourable Prime Minister’s Digital India mission and continue to be India’s digi tal backbone. Our continuous endeavor has been to ensure enhanced project managem ent, identify the right partner ecosystem, an d follow stringent quality control for seamle ss deployment of telecom infrastructure.”
The project was implemented by Tanvir Sin gh (Circle CEO Rajasthan), Sandeep Gauba (Strategic Sourcing), Ajay Arora (Supply Ch ain Management), Sachin Patil and Rames hwar Bhosle (Operations & Maintenance).
Indus Towers’ mission of ‘Putting India Firs t’ is in line with the Government’s aim to tra nsform India into a digitally empowered soc iety and knowledge economy. The emphas is has been to focus on expanding digital in frastructure, providing access to rural areas and helping bridge the technology access g ap. Indus Towers is committed towards bei ng the backbone of technology for improve d access to online services in health, educ ation, and skilling etc.
The company’s portfolio of about 220,000 telecom towers across all 22 telecom circle s makes it one of the largest tower infrastru cture providers in the country, actively con tributing to India’s digital transformation.
About Indus Towers Limited
Indus Towers Limited is India’s leading prov ider of passive telecom infrastructure and it deploys, owns and manages telecom towe rs and communication structures, for vario us mobile operators. The company’s portfo lio of about 220,000 telecom towers makes it one of the largest tower infrastructure pro viders in the country with presence in all 22 telecom circles. Indus Towers caters to all wireless telecommunication service provid ers in India. The Company has been the ind ustry pioneer in adopting green energy initi atives for its operations. For further details visit