Tuesday, December 10

Kauvery Doctors Successfully Perform a Complex Spine

Kauvery Doctors Successfully Perform a Complex Spine

Kauvery Doctors Successfully Perform a Complex Spine Deformity Corrective Surgery on a 2-year-old!

A 2-year-old child presented to the Kau very Institute of Brain and Spine, Kauv very Hospital, Radial Road, with a pro gressively increasing hump on her up per back. She had also started develo loping weakness of the legs especially after playing for some time. The child had a history of tuberculosis infection affecting her spine when she was 6 mo nths old.

After evaluating the child, Dr Krish Sri dhar, Group Mentor, Neurosciences & Director, Institute of Brain & Spine, Ne urosurgery, Kauvery Hospital, Radial Road, and his spine team found that t he problem was due to very bad curva ture deformity (Kyphosis), and compr ession of the spinal cord caused due to near collapse of the spinal column in t he upper thoracic region. A multi-disc iplinary team meeting was held to dec ide on the best course of action for this complex case, following which Sur gic cal Correction of the deformity was ad dvised for the child.

An eight-hour complex spinal proced ure through the chest wall was perfor med on the child by a team of 4 surge ons led by Dr K Sridhar. The collapsed part of the spine was removed, and the spine reconstructed after reducing the curve. Surgery was done under contin uous neuro-monitoring.

Dr Sridhar said,“Major surgery in chil dren is relatively difficult compared to o that in adults. The team performing t hese complex spine procedures not onl y requires experience, but also a thoro ugh understanding of the development al changes related to child growth.. 

“Spinal surgery is no longer something that one needs to be scared about. The technological advances in anaesthesia, monitoring, spinal implants and other equipment⸻like high-speed drill an d the operating microscope⸻have allowed precision surgery, especially in complex cases, with positive outcom es.” he stated.

The child was discharged after a week in the hospital, and is back to running around and playing. The parents and family are happy that they have been able to get a Complex Spinal Deformit ity Corrective Surgery done.