Thursday, January 23

Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled Inaugurates

Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled Inaugurates

Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled Inaugurates State-of-the-Art Accessible Arts Centre

Chennai, 8th November 2024 — Samart hanam Trust for the Disabled proudly inaugurated the Samarthanam Art Cen tre, a ground-breaking, fully accessibl e ible and inclusive facility dedicated to nurturing and showcasing the artist ic talents of individuals with disabiliti es.   

Located in HSR Layout, Bengaluru, the centre was inaugurated with much fan fare, with renowned playback singer  Kunal Ganjawala as the celebrity gues t.

The event was graced by distinguished guests, including Mr. Sanjay Singh, CE O and Head of Territory, BNP Paribas India, as Chief Guest, and Ms. Jayashri Balkrishna, General Manager of Gene ral Insurance Corporation of India, as Guest of Honour. Other corporate lead ers in attendance included Mr. Aveek Sinha, CFO of JLL India; Mr. Nagabush ana Reddy, Finance Controller at Ther mo Fisher Scientific; and Mr. Ravi Kum ar, Senior Vice President at NTT Data I nformation Processing Services Pvt Lt d. Their presence underscored the cen tre’s commitment to inclusivity and su pport for artists with disabilities.

Spanning over 32,000 square feet, this transformative facility stands as a test ament to Samarthanam’s dedication to empowering artists with disabilities.

The Samarthanam Art Centre featur es:
An accessible auditorium designed fo r performances, complete with ramps, specialized lifts, and seating arrangem ents catering to artists with mobility c hallenges.
• Dedicated spaces for training, thera py, and creative development, provid ing a nurturing environment for artis ts to hone their skills.
• The Samarthanam Institute of Music & Performing Arts (SIMPA), which offe rs programs in collaboration with Kar nataka State Dr. Gangubai Hangal Uni versity of Music and Performing Arts (KSGH).

With a 337-seat acoustic auditorium, a dvanced stage lighting, cyclorama scre en, and inclusive design, the Samartha nam Art Centre is set to become a hub for artistic expression, talent develop ment, and performances by individu als with disabilities across India.

Dr. Mahantesh G. Kivadasannavar, Fou nder and Managing Trustee of Samart hanam Trust for the Disabled, expres sed his gratitude and excitement: “The Samarthanam Art Centre is a dream re alized—a space where creativity know s no boundaries and talent flourishes in a fully accessible, inclusive environ ment.

This centre not only supports ar tists with disabilities but also challenges t he world’s perception of their capa bil ities.” He extended special thanks to B NP Paribas and other corporate part ners for their invaluable support in m aking this vision a reality.

Mr. Sanjay Singh of BNP Paribas India remarked, At BNP Paribas, we have em bedded inclusion not only in financial solutions but across multiple fronts su ch as financing for the social economy or promotion of equal opportunities, diversity and human rights. Today, the re is a growing recognition of the need for genuine representation of disabilit y inclusion and art has the potential to lead the way in this journey as it trans cends all boundaries,” said Sanjay Singh, CEO and Head of Territory, BNP Paribas India.

“Our partnership with Samarthanam is an enabler for Art Inclusion and de dicated spaces like Samarthanam Art centre fosters holistic development of underprivileged and underserved com munities through creative endeavour s,” Mr. Singh added. 

Samarthanam extends heartfelt thank s to BNP Paribas and other corporate partners, whose support made this lan dmark project possible. The inaugurat ion marks a significant milestone in th e journey toward inclusive arts and cu ltural expression.

About Samarthanam Trust for Disab led:

Founded in 1997 by Dr. Mahantesh G Ki vadasannavar and Late Sugur Parama shivaiah Nagesh, Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled is a National Award-winning NGO committed to empoweri ng persons with disabilities and the un derserved. Through comprehensive su pport including education, accommod ation, nutrition, and vocational traini ng, the trust functions as a complete solution provider for its beneficiaries.

Samarthanam creates livelihood oppo rtunities through its Social Enterprises and promotes inclusion through sports via the Cricket Association for the Blin d in India (CABI). With its holistic appr oach, the organization continues to tra nsform lives and build an inclusive soc iety.