Thursday, January 23

The teaser of ‘Karavali’ is electrifying: Fans are thrilled

The teaser of ‘Karavali’ is electrifying: Fans are thrilled by the ‘Symbol of Pre stige.*

Karavali” is a highly anticipated film in Indian film. Remarkably, it has secu red a spot among the most awaited Ind ian fim s of 2025.

The posters and teasers hav e already piqued curiosity. And now on the occa sion of the New Year, the make rs have releas ed another striking teaser to ca ptivate c inephiles. Featuring Dynamic Prince Pra jwal Devaraj and directed b y Gurudutt  Gaaniga, the unique teaser of “Karavali”has doubled expectations for the film.

Typically, teasers focus on the protago nist, heroine or lead character. Howev er, the latest teaser from “Karavali” is speci al as it revolves around a symbol ic objec t of Prestige. The recently rele ased teas er highlights a Chair of great significanc e. The teaser opens with a dialogue: “It’s not just a chair, it’s a sy mbol of prestige.” Delivered in actor Mitra’s voice, the teas er emphasizes that “Those who dare to c laim this ch air of prestige won’t be spare d.” The visuals and dialogues create a thrillin ng and intense impression.

“Karavali” is a film centered on the wo rld of Kambala (a traditional buffalo r ace). The earlier teaser depicted the bi rth of a child alongside the birth of a c alf in a bor n. The new teaser appears to be a contin uation of that narrative, showing a boy g rowing up while gazi ng at the chair of prestige, which beco mes an object of desir e for many. The teaser also features Mitra’s commandi ng presence, Ramesh Indira’s  menacin g demeanor, and a fleeting yet intrigui ng glimpse of Prajwal Devar aj in the fi nal frame.

The film has already revealed three va riety looks of Prajwal Devaraj, includi ng Yakshagana, Kambala and Mahish asura-inspired avatars. This variety lo oks rais es questions about whether Pr ajwal plays a Yakshagana artist or a Ka mbala rac er adding to the intrigue sur rounding his character as the Dynamic Prince..

Cast -:

Dynamic Prince Prajwal Devara j,samp ada, ramesh Indira. Kk mata. Mitra .


Written and Directed by – Gurudatha G aniga Production House – Gurudatha Ganiga Films Cast – Dynamic Prince Pr ajwaal Devaraj,sampada, ramesh Indir a. Kkmata. Mitra  Co-Producers – Vinod Kumar – Shithil G Poojary – Sathish Ku mar Raji – Prasanna Kumar – Manish Di nakar , Sto ry – Chandrashekar Bandiy appa  Directo r of Photography – Abhi manyu, Sadanan dan Music and Backgr ound Score – Sachi n Basrur Editor – Pr aveen kal Art, Direct tor – Guna DI & C olourist – A. Ashik Publ icity Posters – S ugar Candy  Co-Director – Ravi Sriram Associate directors – Tejovrusha, D R  S rinivas Direction team – Kowshik Kudu rasthe, Sachin Dwaja, Gagan Ravichan dra Production Team – Siddesh B.S, De vu  VFX – Pinaka Studios  Sound Design – Pradeep G DI and colorist – Color 51 A shik kusugolli Makeup Artist – Kiran N ayak Costume – Ganesh PRO – Yuvraaj.