SRM College of Physiotherapy released GLOW
Guiding the Little Ones’ Well-Being, a pi oneering book, on 10th December 2 024, authored by Dr. K. Vadivelan, Pro fessor at SRM Medical College Hospital and Re search Centre (SRM MCH&RC), Kattank ulathur.
This book, as a part of the Indian Cou ncil of Medical Research (ICMR)-fund ed pr oject, serves as a vital resource to help p arents monitor developmen tal mileston nes in children aged 0-12 months.
At the event, the Parental Eye, a user-f riendly app was introduced. This tool co mplements the book GLOW: Guidin g the Little Ones’ Well-Being. The app offe rs parents and caregivers real-ti me upd ates, resources, and guidance to track t heir child’s developmental milestones, representing a significant step in promo ting child well-being.
GLOW simplifies the complex process of developmental tracking, providing evide nce-based, user-friendly guidan ce to par ents. The book empowers pa rents to ide ntify developmental dela ys early, paving the way for timely inte rventions that sh ape a child’s future p ositively.
“The early years of a child’s life lay the f oundation for their cognitive, physic al, and emotional growth. GLOW aims to br idge the gap in awareness, equip ping pa rents with the knowledge they need to s upport their child’s well-bei ng,” says Dr. Vadivelan, the principal investigator of the ICMR-funded initi ative.
The event was graced by Dr. Vijay Kum ar Saraswat, a Member of NITI Aayog, as the Chief Guest. Sharing his person al ex perience in the healthcare field, Dr. Sar aswat stated, “I have witnessed the imp ortance of physiotherapy since 1982 an d have experienced its impact in my own life.”
The Pro-Chancellor (Academics) of SR M IST, Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan, deliver ed a Presidential Address emphasizing the contributions of SRM College of Ph ysiotherapy at SRM MCH&RC to the co mmuni ty. He remarked, “This book is a valuable resource, destined to bene fit countless children. The department excels in its ef forts, and our alumni, w ho studied here, are excelling in pract tice and becoming e xperts in sports m edicine and other fiel ds across India a nd the globe.”
Present on the occasion were SRMIST’s Vice Chancellor Dr. C. Muthamizhche lvan, Registrar Dr. S. Ponnusamy, Pro Vice-Chancellor (MHS) In-charge and D ean (MHS) Dr. Nitin M. Nagarkar, and Dean SRM College of Physiotherapy Dr. T. S. Veeragoudhaman.
GLOW is part of an interdisciplinary re search initiative funded by the Ind ian C ouncil of Medical Research (ICM R) to ad dress developmental delays in children. SRMIST’s collaborative resea rch approach underscores its commit ment to societal well-being through in novation and excellence in research.