Tamil Nadu on path towards a Global AI Hub:
IT Secretary at CII Connect 2024
Chennai, December 18, 2024: “As Tamil Nadu continues to lead in Artificial Int elligence and Digital Governance, it is pro posed to create a Tamil Nadu-spe cific s mall-scale Large Language Mod el (LLM) to address the challenges of translating government documents an d ensuring precise legal interpretation s,” said Mr Kumar Jayant, IAS, Additio nal Chief Secre tary, Department of IT and Digital Services, Government of Tamil Nadu, at the Confederation of In dian Industry (CII) 22 nd Edition of CII Connect 2024, with the theme “Artificia l Intelligence in Action.”
“There should be an integration of AI-powered systems, such as facial recog nition for attendance in schools and h ealthc are centers, to enhance account ability a nd operational efficiency in p ublic servic es,” he added.
“IIT Madras has over 380 startups and a valuation exceeding INR 50,000 crore s. urge greater industry collaboration, and support startups with purchase or ders a nd programs that inspire studen ts to pur sue careers in AI and data sci ence. Every child in our country deser ves the chance to atleast be an underg raduate,” said Dr V. Kamakoti, Directo r of IIT Madras in h is speech.
He stressed on the importance of educ ation in driving India’s technological futre while sharing IIT Madras’ efforts to br idge gaps in rural learning throu gh the V idya Shakti program, which n ow operate s in over 750 centers.
CII Connect 2024 celebrated outstandi ng achievements across diverse fields, h onoring trailblazers with prestigious aw ards. Mr Raju Venkataraman, a dist ingui shed serial entrepreneur, receiv ed the lifetime Achievement Award, r ecognizing his exceptional contributio ns to innov ation and leadership. The Global Influen cer Award was present ed to Mr Venkat Viswanathan, Founder and Chairperson of Latent View Analy tics, Ms Mridula Ra mesh, Founder of Sundaram Climate Institute, was nam ed Woman Achiever of t he Year for h er pioneering work in clim ate action and sustainability.
Exemplary entrepreneurs like Mr Anil K umar SG, Founder & CEO of Samunn ati, Mr Srinath Ravichandran and Mr Moin SPM, Co-Founders of AgniKul Cos mos, received the Exemplary Entrepre neursh ip and Entrepreneur of the Yea r awards respectively while, Saint Gob ain Pvt Ltd and the Tamil Nadu e-Gove rnance Agen cy (TNeGA) were recogni ized for their E xemplary Application of Technology in t he private and publi c sectors, underscor ring their commit ment to leveraging technology for tran nsformative impact.
CII Connect 2024 concluded with a ren ewed commitment to fostering partner ships and scaling new heights in the ap pliation of AI for societal and economi c progress by showcasing the achieve ments and innovations within the indu stry, ga thering over 500 industry deleg ates and featuring 45 esteemed speake rs.