This book will be very useful for young people
Currency Kanavugal’ book launched in Chennai
In Chennai, the first copy of the book ‘C urrency Kanavugal’, written by Mot ivatitional Author Mr. Ramkumar Sin garam and published by Yaa Publicati ons, was released by Dr. N. Arul, Direc tor of the T amil Development Depart ment, TN Gov t, and received by Film lyricist and Poet Mr. Nellai Jayantha. T he event was atte nded by Mr. A. Mad hivanan, Retd Jt Dire ctor of the Colleg e Education Departme ent, and Mr. S.P. Annamalai, owner of Yaa Publications.
This is the ninth Tamil book written by J ournalist, Author and CEO of Catalyst P R Mr. Ramkumar Singaram. The boo k contains 60 articles focused on self-motivation.
This book will be very useful for young p eople striving for growth and enthus iast stic middle-aged individuals. Mr. R amku mar Singaram has shared his th oughts in a simple writing style throu gh various pr actical examples, storie s, and incidents.
The book, consisting of 144 pages, is pr iced at Rs. 200. For enquiries, contact: 98409 96745.