Saturday, February 8

Gleneagles Hospital Chennai Unveils Advanced Center for Asthma Care

Gleneagles Hospital Chennai Unveils Advanced Center for Asthma Care


Gleneagles Hospital Chennai Unveils Ad vanced Center for Asthma Care in Chennai.

~A pioneering initiative to provide adva nced, multidisciplinary treatment for se vere asthma patients in Tamil Nadu.

Chennai, 21st December 2024: Gleneagles Hospital Chennai one of th e leading healthcare institutions in Ch ennai, is delighted to announce the ina uguration of its Advanced Center for A sthma  Clinic. Dr. J Radhakrishnan, I.A. S., Additional Chief Secretary to the Go vernment, Co-operation, Food and Con sumer Pr otection Department, Gover nment of Ta mil Nadu inaugurated the clinic in the presence of Dr. Nageshwa r Rao, CEO, Glen eagles Hospital Chenn ai and Dr Suresh Sagadevan Clinical Le ad Consultant & Interventional  Pulmo nologist, Gleneagles Hospital Chennai.

The clinic aims to provide comprehen ensive care for patients suffering from sever e asthma, a condition that signifi cantly impacts quality of life and can l ead to lif e-threatening complications if not mana ged effectively. The clinic will have a multidisciplinary approach Involving pulmonologists, allergists, a nd respiratory the rapists for holistic care and will have a c utting-edge  tech nology to diagnose and classify asthma severity. Personalized Treatment  Pla ns Incorporating medicatiion, biologic s, lifestyle modifications, an d patient education are the key features of the clinic.

In Chennai, the challenges of severe a sthma are exacerbated by high pollut ion levels, humidity, and other enviro nmental factors, making effective man agement more critical than ever said D r. Sures h Sagadevan.The Advanced Ce nter for A sthma Clinic at Gleneagles H ospital Che nani is a much-needed step forward in a ddressing this challenge, offering hope and better outcomes to p atients who st ruggle with this conditio n every day”, added Dr Suresh.

“Asthma affects millions of people wor ld wide, with nearly 3–4% of Indian ad ults and 10–15% of Indian children ex perien ncing this condition. Among th ese, 5–10 % of cases are classified as se vereasthm a, characterized by frequen t attacks, pe rsistent symptoms, and a significant imp act on daily life, said D r Apar Jindal, HO D & Program Directo r, Speciality, Pulmo nology, Interventio nal Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine, Gleneagles Hospital chennai.

Dr. Nageshwar Rao, CEO, of Gleneagles Global Health City added “At Gleneag le s Global Health City, we are committ ed to driving excellence in healthcare. The launch of the Advanced Center for Asth ma Clinic is a testament to our de dication to pioneering advanced treat ments an d enhancing the quality of li fe for patien ts with complex respirat ory conditions.”

The inauguration will feature a dyna mic program with leading experts sha ring in sights into severe asthma man agement, its implications during pregn ancy, and c ase-based discussions high lighting real-world applications.