Thursday, January 23

Funskool Organizes First-ever CATAN Championship in India:

Funskool Organizes First-ever CATAN Championship in India:

Funskool Organizes First-ever CATAN C hampionship in India: Shobhit Kase ra Emerges as Winner

Chennai, December 20th, 2024: Funsk ool India Limited, India’s leading toy manufacturer, organized the first ever Ind ia CATAN National championship at Dublin Square, Phoenix Market City, Mum bai recently.

Shobhit Kasera from Kolkata emerged as the India CATAN National Champio n. He will represent India at the CATA N World Championship to be held at Stutgart, Germany from April 4th to 6th, 2025. Shobhit Kasera, when asked about his e xperience said, “I absolutel y love playin g CATAN, and my journey with it has be en nothing short of amaz ing! Winning t he competition in India was a dream co me true, and playing i n Bombay was such a blast—the organ izers Funskool did an incredible job m aking it a truly memorable experiene. 

The India CATAN National champions hip followed a series of qualifying tou rna ments held in four locations – Del hi, Mu mbai, Kolkata and Bengaluru. Funskool in association with Meeplec on, India’s la rgest board games conv ention, hosted t he India CATAN Natio nal Championship in Mumbai. Players from different parts of India participa ted in the competition. 

CATAN is the powerful, universal story of the quest to explore the world, to di scover, trade and build. Rooted in stra tegy and exploration, it’s all about mas terin g the variable landscapes and ma king th e right moves to build and thri ve.

Funskool under license from Asmode ee international manufactures and di stributes the globally acclaimed board game CATAN in India. Since its launch, CATAN has received an overwhelming ly positiv e response from Indian audi ences, mark ing a significant milestone in the board game landscape of the co untry. This par tnership aims to bring the joy of strate gic gaming to an even wider audience in India. The toy major is nurturing associa tions with interna tional brands for an impressive grow th trajectory. Funskool I ndia is seen as a perfect partner by inter national toy manufacturers to manufacture their iconic games in the BIS certified Funs kool factories. 

About Funskool India Limited:

 Funskool is India’s leading toy manuf acturing company promoted by the MR F group. Funskool started its commerc ial operations in the year 1987 and has sta te of the art manufacturing faciliti es at Goa and Ranipet. Funskool has be en pio neering the concept of quality and safe toys in India and raised the standards of toys in the Indian Market. The company’ s mission is to influence the parents to s pend on toys that enab le every Indian c hild to grow with qua lity toys that contri bute to their ment al development. With the largest range of toys offered by any Indian company, Funskool, has an assort ment to meet t he needs of every parent and child.

About CATAN GmbH:

CATAN GmbH is the IP owner of the po pular CATAN brand. Today, its primary pr oduct is the CATAN board game — a con temporary classic. The CATAN bra nd universe encompasses an array of expansios, extensions, scenarios, stan dalone gam es, digital adaptations, sto ries, merchan dise and other consum er products. CAT AN is available in ove r 40 languages and has sold over 45 million units worldwide since it was first published in 1995.