SRM Tamil Perayam Conducts ‘Sol Tami zha Sol
SRM Tamil Perayam Conducts ‘Sol Tami zha Sol 2025’ in Chennai.
January 27, 2025 – The Tamil Perayam a t SRM Institute of Science and Technolo gy is organising a massive speech compe tition, titled ‘Sol Tamizha Sol 2025’, to be held in 9 zones in Tamilnadu and Puduch erry at various college campuses.
The forum successful completed the sp eech contests in the %rst zone, namely Chennai, at the SRM College of Science and Technology campus, Kattankulathu r.The event saw more than 500 students and 15 judges participate, making the C hennai Zone competitions a grand succe ss. The following were the winners:First Prize – Rs. 1,00,000 – S. Pandi Ganesh, Madras Christian CollegeSecond Prize – Rs. 75,000 – L. Sanjana, St. Joseph Colle ge of EngineeringThird Prize – Rs. 50,00 0 – S. Satish Kuma...