Environmental & Lifestyle Factors Influence
Environmental & Lifestyle Factors Inf luence Sedentary Behaviour
Environmental & Lifestyle Factors Infl uence Sedentary Behaviour Among Ad olescents Reveals a Global Study
Chennai, India – December 2, 2024: The World Health Organization (WHO) rec ommends no more than two to three h ours per day of sedentary time for yo uth. However, adolescents worldwide are spending an average of 8 to 10 ho urs per day engaging in sedentary ac tivities such as watching television, us ing electronic devices, playing video ga mes, and riding in motorized vehicles.
A groundbreaking study titled "Associ ations of Perceived Neighbourhood an d Home Environments with Sedentary Behaviour Among Adolescents in 14 C ountries" has been published in the pr estigious International Journal of Beh havio...