Vastu Vedic Research foundation (Vastu Vedic Trust)
Vastu Vedic Research foundation (Vastu Ve dic Trust)
Vastu Vedic Trust's One-day Seminar on 'Ae sthetic Heritage Held in Chennal.
Dr K. Dakshinamoorthy Sthapati, an emi ne nt traditional architect, conducts the semin ar attended by over a hundred stu dents and professionals from a wide ran ge of fields, from architecture to archae ology.
Chennai, July 13 2024
A one-day seminar on Aesthetic Heritage organised by Vastu Vedic Trust, has att rac ted the participation of over a hund red stu dents and professionals from a w ide range of fields from architecture to a rchaeology The event was held today at Kalakshetra Foundation, Thiruvanmiyur Chennai.
Dr T Salhyainoorthy former director of Ker ala Archaeology and AS and @mem ber af the State Heritage Committee of th...